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Halfway through, I had this urge to just keep on pushing the button!
Well I pretty much killed you all and started over :) ...I kept looking for the white dot
hehe. :D
I really like your siggy and avi a lot btw. Is she a character from an anime?
Thanks ^^ She's Amane Misa from Death Note. I'm currently reading the manga . Not really my genre but lots of nice charas
Ooh! I've heard of it. :D I should really start reading new manga soon.
Do you know kawaicho wa maid-sama?
Yes but I can't remember the chapter I least read so I left it on hold . I think the last think I read was about the school festival and some cosplay cafe .
Just finished reading the first manga I ever started ( started it 3 years ago lol) Kyou koi wo hajimematsu and right now I'm mad about Kamisama Hajimemashita ( much better manga than the anime)
Ooh. I think I'm in season 2 now. It's really good now!
I know that feeling. :D I had that feeling when I finished Chibi Vampire. The anime isn't good and had a bad ending (for me) but the manga was awesome.
Well i finished the anime first and then started the manga and when I realized is better I really enjoyed reading it ...also the anime is really short compared to the manga which has way more action
I think the animes are based on the mangas. And to make it shorter they just cut most of the stuff out. >.<
Well I believe they wanted a romance anime since they added most of the romantic scenes and just skipped the action itself . They added all the romance from the 120 manga chapters and even more in 12 anime episode and an ova ... jumped over the demon fights and the story explanation .
It maybe because they wanted the girls' attention. :D
Oh, do you read Claymore? It's awesome! So many demon fights and almost no romance!
I really hate it when they skip the parts that matter and are there to make sense. Especially in Harry Potter movies. There were so many questions I had when I finished the series. I read some of the books afterwards and then it finally made sense.
Last edited by malu (15-02-2014 18:56:42)
I actually like the romance but I also wanna know the story and things and yep I guess I'm gonna check Claymore after I finish Death Note
I like a bit of romance but not much. :D
And I'm gonna start Death Note soon and finish the rest of Claymore.
Ok when you start it tell my on which side you are :mdr:
Side? O.o
Is there good and evil? :D
Nope is L vs Light/Raito
I guess I'll find out when I read it huh? :D I'll let you know!
I need to go sleep now. GoodNight, Rukia <3
Good night <3 I'll just go study :(
So did you all like the game ^^
I too stopped and started looking for the white button :P
hi! 26
What's up?
We're watching a movie. eating ice cream. Chilling.