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#1 20-02-2014 00:24:30

Ancien joueur rakat

Vip Membership Bug?

I purchased a VIP membership last night. However, this evening, under my avatar, it says "Become a VIP again". I thought the membership lasted a week?

Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks!

#2 20-02-2014 17:15:27

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3285

Re: Vip Membership Bug?

If you purchased the VIP, it's supposed to last a YEAR, not a week.  Unless it was the quest that we had a few weeks back where it gave people a week of VIP.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 23-02-2014 17:47:24

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009
Posts: 2124

Re: Vip Membership Bug?

sierradane wrote:

If you purchased the VIP, it's supposed to last a YEAR, not a week.  Unless it was the quest that we had a few weeks back where it gave people a week of VIP.

You can buy three months, six months and one year memberships.

To the OP you need to contact Feerik directly and state everything including how you paid for it.


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