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Sorry for that ridiculously unhelpful title. My brain's still boggled by this after 6 days of knowing:
So I guess whatever gender anybody guessed was right - looks like anybody who guessed is getting a prezzie :)
Haha. Happy Sunday, everyone!
snortmort wrote:
My brain's still boggled by this
:hypn: <-- snortmort :-D
Twins! Congrats ~ how exciting! :aomd_bravo:
Congratulations!!! :D
Omg!! <3 Twins!! Congrats!!
*stares dumbly not understanding for a few seconds* ... *suddenly she gets it* OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats, snortmort! This really made my day! It was the first thing I read in the morning.
That would explain when you said you gained a lot faster than the last time, right?!
:) Morning, ladies :) Thanks for the congrats from everyone.
Rarity - I announced we were preggers quite a while ago, I think on Benjamin's forum thread, as well as on my WIA, but this is a new announcement because we just found out on the 10th that it's not one but TWO :)
Darky - glad I could make your day with our news :) And yes, this is certainly why I'm so much bigger already. Oh man. Ima gonna be HUUUUUGE come July. Yikes.
We've been having fun telling our family and friends this past week/weekend, and just put it up on FB last night - 58 comments already haha :)
Wow, Snortmort...Twins??? I can't believe it! That's amazing...Congratulations to you and your family!
Wow, that's incredible, Snortmort! Twins! That's amazing! I know you'll do wonderful.
OMD Twins ^^ Many great wishes!! this is so exciting!!
Congratulations!! Lets see if that old saying is true after they get here: "Twins aren't any more trouble than one"
GOOD LORD CONGRATZ!!! Twins are always a wonderful blessing
Oh my, double trouble! Congratulations! I'm really happy for you :fete:
Jaw drops................... What twins............................... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!
I don't know why I didn't see this.
lol Fairy no worries. Half the time I miss stuff in this section of the board because it seems nearly the whole board is full of role-playing-threads that I avoid, so I always have to scan carefully to see if there's anything that peaks my interest :) Thank-you.
Thank-you to everyone, we're excited and nervous. Looking forward to meeting these two sweet little blessings this summer!
We now have to get a mini-van, which makes us sound SO OLD. We'll be sad to see our SUV go - it's been a really great, reliable little truck that we both enjoy driving, but 3 carseats need more space than our truck can give them! Plus, minivans can be very handy for moving stuff around. T isn't too thrilled about driving one, though, ha!
We also now have to buy a second baby carseat - another expense that we of course weren't counting on, but hey, we'll accept this great blessing and try not to worry too much:
“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"
Last edited by snortmort (24-03-2014 19:32:06)
Snort; I'm another that hadn't seen this string or the message on your page. Congratulations again and again.
Awe, twins!! Congrats!! :D
Tell your husband not to hate on the minivan, they put all sorts of cool stuff in them. :P I will say, my sister fits 3 car seats easily in their SUV, the middle seats are bucket seats and fold down completely flat so she just leaves one down all the time. I can ask her what it is, don't remember offhand.
awwwwww congratssssssssssss that's sooooooooo sweet :love: :love:
I'M A TWIN!!! I can tell you now! ONE WILL BE EVIL *Stares at my sister across the room*
CONGRATS!! I hope their girls... just because...
Last edited by picalilll (04-04-2014 22:06:06)
Thanks again, girls.
Coco - sounds like it's probably a Dodge Caravan - they have that stow & go seating that folds flat into the floor. We're probably thinking to get one of those. We have a really sweet used car dealership in town here - they have nearly 500 vehicles in stock right now, and plenty of vans. My parents actually just bought one from them a week ago. I know it's going to be SUPER handy - how many times have just T & I borrow the van for camping trips with friends, or moving sheets of drywall or ________ (fill in the blank). It's just an adjustment. We're in a different stage of life now - nothing wrong with having a minivan, as we'll have 3 children!
Pica - I didn't realize you were a twin :) Fun!
We're having a boy and a girl, or at least that's what the ultrasound tech told us. We'll be having weekly ultrasounds at some point in the not-so-distant future, so I'm sure they'll be able to confirm that for us. Exciting to finally have a girl in our family & group of friends! With B and our nephews, we have 5 boys in the family. With B and all the other children of our friends, we have 7 boys in our group of friends. There's one girl, but they live way out in Manitoba, so we never see them besides maybe once a year. We'll have to adjust to "what on earth do you do with girls?!" :)
congratulations <3 sweet :applau: :applau: ..:aomd_bravo:
Last edited by lunabimbo (05-04-2014 10:34:32)
@snortmort - well... your a girl... you should know. I think they are less messy and smelly... if anything it should be easier :ok:
I'm afraid that if the girl is gonna grow up in a family with mostly boys then she's gonna be as bad/good as they are :) In my family we have mostly girls and my poor brother was a very girly boy. It took my mom quite some time to teach him to use the masculine versions of verbs (in my native language - Polish - conjugation sometimes depends on the sex of the person who's speaking). Anyway, just imagine all the cute skirts and dresses you will be able to get for her! Squeee~!
CONGRATULATIONS! just stopped by here to see what you had posted! Wow twins! have you found out what their sex is? 2 boys? 2 girls? 1 of each? That is just so awesome! Benjamin will probably be so happy...2 babies of his own! :good: :lol: :lvers: :star: :ok: :norm: :non: :mdr: :gai: :love:
Well, as I said in the OP - everyone who guessed was right. If they guessed I was having a boy, they were right. If they guessed we were having a girl, they were right. It's a boy and a girl. (the one picture in the OP shows us holding a piece of cake that is half-blue and half-pink, but I can understand that would be difficult to notice since it's quite small).
We had another ultrasound yesterday. The tech, who's been doing this for more than 30 years, said Twin A is DEFINITELY a boy and Twin B is DEFINITELY a girl. So, yay. We get to use our boy name AND our girl name :)
Baby Boy
Baby Girl
The tech said everything looks good so far. The babies weigh about 2 lbs each at this point in time. I've put on about 25 lbs, and I'm at 26 weeks. The last time I measured around my belly, I was at like 105.5 cm wide around my waist (lol I find that the funniest thing to track - how fat I'm getting!).
Thanks for all the lovin'!