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Aww, I bet you're adorable!! Can't wait to find out the names you guys have picked. :)
I wanna know your babies names so bad!!! We should make a game out of it, snortmort!
lol darkelf I think you'll have a far more difficult task ahead of you trying to guess the names as opposed to just trying to guess gender :)
And coco, I wouldn't really call myself adorable this pregnancy. With Benjo, I had that whole "pregnancy glow" and I felt good nearly the entire time and had a really easy labour and birth and nursing experience. This time around, I've been battling brutal heartburn the entire time, my sciatic nerve is killing me, my groin muscles are achey so I waddle all the time already, I have vericose veins in....places I didn''t know you could get vericose veins......and I have crazy-bad Restless Legs Syndrome in the evenings. Also: I am going to be HU-UGE come the end of July! Whew!
Do we get to know their names before or do we have to wait til after?
*really hoping that it'll become easier for you*
Your just awesome, Snortmort! Mustn't be easy so I salute you!
sierradane wrote:
Do we get to know their names before or do we have to wait til after?
Wondering that as well. :D
Awww, thanks, Malu.
And no, I won't be posting their names here until the birth announcement - you can all just wait on pins and needles like the rest of our friends and families :)
That's fantastic! I understand about the extra expenses - having to get another car seat. We've been really lucky that my hubby's co-worker has a boy who is in 18 month clothes now so we've gotten TONS of hand-me-downs from her. And we've gotten some stuff from my in-laws who have a 2 yr old girl (toys and books).
Congrats! :)
Would love to come on here more often, though my laptop is broken so I'm using my brother's computer, which is awesome, but I find it kind of invasive that he's always watching over me when I come on... But for now, I'm back!
And I so cannot wait for the names and the pictures and OMG!
But Darky is right, we totally should make a game out of it! Maybe like a hangman or something ?
Just thought I'd post a little pregnancy update to keep you all in the loop :)
I've been rather AWOL on the game lately, sorry, but with the beautiful summer weather, I'm spending a lot of time outside, and Benjamin's busy during the day - I don't like to be on the computer when he's awake, and usually when he's sleeping, so am I because I don't sleep well at night anymore these days.
We're at 37.4 weeks - we'll be at 38 on Monday coming up. Babies are both head-down and growing well - we had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago that showed Baby Boy weighing 6 lbs and Baby Girl weighing 5.6 lbs. If I don't have the babies by Monday, I've got another OB appointment and ultrasound to check their weight, fluid levels and blood flow in the umbilical cords, and at that point they'll book an induction date for me for later on next week.
I'm hoping and hoping that I'll be able to go into labour naturally on my own without having to be induced, because when you get induced, all the contractions start really start all at once instead of how it is naturally, when they start coming on gradually and build up in strength as you work your way through labour. Of course, either way, I need to get an epidural since I'll be delivering in the operating room in case something goes wrong and they need to do an emergency C-section.
I've been having a lot of contractions for the past few weeks, and even woke up at night with them a few times, timing them out at 5-6 minutes apart, lasting a minute each, but both times once I got up, they stopped right away. My body's definitely gearing up for this adventure, and I hope I can go into labour on my own before I need to get induced.
So yeah, they'll be here within a week, one way or another, and then who knows how long they keep us in the hospital - hopefully (a word I seem to be using a lot in this post) not for too long, as the babies are both a good weight already, and I have a midwife who will come to the house to check on me frequently after I get home.
Two quick pictures:
Last week's Baby Bump picture - 36 weeks preggers
Benjamin colouring a picture for a contest (he just loves colouring!)
Yay! Babies! And hopefully everything will go great!
Benjamin's so grown up now! <33
Cute pictures. :-)
Thanks for the update. Not long now!
Have you decorated the nursery? :D
Last edited by malu (20-07-2014 06:30:16)
AAAAHHHHHHH!!! Benjamin's sooooo cuuuttteee!!
He's so big now!
And I cannot wait to see these two new adorable kids! Congrats again Snort!!
I know, right - Benjamin's huge now! I'm sure he'll look even more enormous to me once the babies are born and I see them together!
We haven't decorated another nursery for the twins, because our house is quite small, so we only have the two bedrooms upstairs, with a potential third downstairs (it needs a window in order to qualify as a bedroom). For the first little while, the twinnies will be sharing a crib in our room, until they're sleeping better at night, at which point the plan is to move their crib into Benjo's room and have all three sleep in the same room - Benjamin in his crib, and the twins in a shared crib still. Once the twins are too big to share a crib, we'll have to move Benjamin to the basement bedroom to a big-boy bed and put the twins in separate cribs in the upstairs bedroom. I'm hoping to put that off as long as possible, because I'll feel so sad when B's downstairs all by himself!! He's still going to be pretty young at that point - poor little guy!
Awwwww. Benji is a little gentleman!!!!
I really can't wait, snortmort. Wish you and your family all the best!!!
Good luck Snortmort. Benji is growing into such a big boy and I can't wait for the twins to arrive. They'll be so adorable! <3
:) Thanks Fairy :)
Gifts and photos will happen when I get a chance!
First thing that popped into my head when I saw you posted: Are they there!? Are they here?! Are they there!?
The are!! Congrats <333 Lovely names btw!
Last edited by malu (25-07-2014 21:37:26)
Congratulations on the delivery of William and Sadie! :aomd_bisous:
Congratulations! :gai: :fete:
The promised photo:
The prizes for gender guessing will go out when I get a chance - my time is pretty precious right now, and I don't like spending all of my non-nursing time on the computer!
They're both doing really well - nursing really well and gaining weight. Both are up past their birth weights. Benjamin came home to us on Sunday evening and he's been doing really well with the transition so far. Quite an adjustment - to a family of five!
T, the pic of these two are so precious. They look almost identical. Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us. I look forward to seeing them grow as we have with Benjamin.
Lots of Love
Congrats Snortmort!! They look absolutely beautiful!!
Snortmort!!! I'm gonna cry!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really am so happy to finally see their picture. Absolutely adowable!!! Congrats again!