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Just like the title said.
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Ello, Malus!
2 things. 1) I'm bipolar. Got that straightened out today. 2) I want my brother tested for Antisocial Disorder, aka the Murder's Mind. He has a lot of characteristic that are based out of that disorder and for my families protection, I want him tested.
OH! 3rd thing. I have to write a Psych paper. Have any of y'all seen the movie "Identity"? It's about a man with Dissociative Identity Disorder (aka Multi-personality Disorder) who's murderer personality kills off all of his other personalities. It'd be a great Psychological Disorder Paper.
159 Well...I don't know about your brother. Careful there.
About number one, I've heard once before that 'being bipolar' is not easy to prove if you're in your teens. Simply people are too hormonal, moody, fragile to be considered officially bipolar. Just keep that in mind...I honestly think that almost all teens are temporarily bipolar.
About the third, I actually saw a documentary once in Youtube about a woman who had seven personalities and how they later discover her father might have been in a demonic cult and had been using her a kid in some practices causing her that damage. She doesn't remember any of that, but does keep a diary where some of her personalities seem to be reminding her of that. Apparently it's a true story. If you want the link, tell me.
The paper has to be based off of a movie or tv show character
Varky, I've been like this since the 6th grade if not earlier. It's natural for me to have these major ups and downs.
159 oooh okay. yup. Makes sense.
What I'm saying is, this reading/test/analysis is not accurate until you're in your late 20s. I was pretty bipolar from a very early age (just ask my was NOT fun to be them) and even more through my teens (16 - 18 were my dark years). Lately however it has become much less.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (19-03-2014 21:38:49)
Guess we'd see
With my brother doe, I do want him tested.
157 The reason I'm saying be careful is this. I've seen people who could have passed their "dark" days safely get convinced early on that something was wrong with them...causing them to actually go wrong. Does that make any sense?
If he does get tested and turns out there was actually nothing wrong with him, he'll be...hurt...that you, his family, thought he was abnormal.
And if he does get tested, and turns out he did have something wrong psychologically, it could actually trigger it to be worse.
I'm not saying don't test him. I'm saying you should talk to one of your parents, or both, on their own and make sure that no matter what happens, they shouldn't say in front of him he should get tested.
I talked to my mom but Varky, he shows signs of being a psychopathic murdered. He threatened to stab AJ with a screwdriver and kill the 5 year old. There is something mentally wrong with him. He thought neither of those actions were wrong. He acts like they didn't even happen and wonders why he was in trouble for them. And no, he wasn't kidding. His voice was dead on serious. Dyllan is psychologically messed up. He does so much bad crap and sees it as normal. He sees that there is nothing wrong with getting mad at every little thing, excessive crying, hitting and threatening to kill people and animals,'s all a-okay in his mind. You can't tell me there isn't anything wrong with that?
157 ... Well, yeah that's wrong...But if you do tell him...directly that he will/should get tested, that WILL make him violent. He sees he did nothing wrong as you said, then why in the world is his family trying to say he might be mentally unstable? Get him tested, but DO NOT tell him directly he is. He will of course find out, but at least that's when he's actually in the hands of a professional who knows how to handle them...Be careful. Be very very very very very very *I can go on forever* careful...Please? Promise me?
None of us have told him he is. I doubt they will but I hope they do.
157 might be good to research it a bit online...If he ever asks it would be for Psyhc class. Research online anything you can about the best way to deal with that and who you need to talk if your family does decide to do something.
My mom would make some phone calls and what not to figure that out. It has to be abidable by our medical cards though and that'd be the tricky part.
157 That ALWAYS is the tricky part. I'm sure there'll be a way, though.
When I was at the camp during the summer, there was a kid like that. Little boy, in 4th grade, he'd constantly e in the office for something he did that was violent. I was always in the office so I'd overhear him and the administrators talking. He too didn't realize what was so wrong about what he'd been doing. What we figured out though, was that there were things that happened before he actually did something.
Once was when the group building legos were talking about war and planes. A few minutes later, he had hurt someone. Then again different setting, a group of kids and him were playing with the legos, pretending they were guns. One of them poked the kid and he really thought he was being attacked and pummeled the other boy to the ground.
I too would advise against testing normally, but each case is different. Just don't let him know what's going on. By not telling him, you'll know how to handle it and at the same time, he won't think that you're against him.
I would like to mention, feel free to tell me to shut the crap up, that if you don't tell him, he will more than likely be very offended that you would "trick" him (for lack of a better word), and all trust between him and anyone will probably be shattered.
Spi, this is his opinions on us: We all hate him. Trick or no trick, he'll think that either way.
Ah, I see. I can relate. Does he have any friends?
none that he cares to talk about
Hmm. I take it he didn't really like people?
152 Not liking people at an early age doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing...It's the violent attitude that is worrying.
Well, I would like to mention that the environment (I'm not insulting your life, I have no idea what goes on in your family) in which he is being raised could mean a lot about wether or not he thinks it's perfectly fine.
152 Not necessarily life at home spi...sadly schools are becoming a ground for that nowadays. I hear enough horror stories from friends and acquaintances.
Spi, I will say my family is not that great but it's not the family nor the school. I believe it was more genetics and that my biological father abused him at a young age.
152 Yeah that sounds like a logical explanation. I don't think it's your family at all actually.