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#1 31-03-2014 22:09:10

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

The Dollz TChat?

I know that people don't really use this thing but I accidentally went there those days and it just couldn't load and it said "error #2032". I t assumed it was some connection error or something so I tried it again later to see if I have some network errors but it's been a week and the error is still there.
Did I miss something?Did they turn off the chat or is this some kind of bug?Or am I the only one seeing this error?

#2 01-04-2014 00:40:53

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010
Posts: 4655

Re: The Dollz TChat?

I have reported this issues so we will see what our GM has to say about it. Thanks!


#3 01-04-2014 01:54:28

Registered: 2014
Posts: 3

Re: The Dollz TChat?

Yes, you're right...I don't use it, but I've seen that bug a few weeks ago...


#4 04-04-2014 16:54:52

Registered: 2012
Posts: 73

Re: The Dollz TChat?

yea that's right, alwayse error !!!!!!:quoi:

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