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Candy pizza since I don't like pepperoni.
Would you rather have Twitter or Facebook ?
Neither truthfully but Facebook since all my friends are on it.
Would you rather eat a live cockroach or a dead mouse?
>O< Aiiii, the live cockroach (ICK ICK ICK)
Would you rather fail and be happy, or succeed and be unhappy?
Fail and be happy.
Would you rather have a dog or a cat?
Dog. They're typically more social creatures, plus they always seem to like me. And I get to volunteer at a dog shelter soon. ;u;
Would you rather have the power to change the colors of stars or the power to change the smells of flowers?
Change the colors of the stars; the sky would be almost as pretty as her that way, and I think she'd appreciate it very much. My best friend, that is.
Would you rather be Ali Dilaurentis or be friends with Ali Dilaurentis?
oooh. tough choice. hm. Friends.
Would you rather eat a huge pizza or eat a huge burger?
Pizza for sure, it's my favorite food ever!
Would you rather be seventeen forever or seventy-one forever? Bear in mind, this question might not be as easy as you think.