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End of Course assessment
93 How was sleeping through EOC great again? I have a feeling what you refer to as EOC is different from what I'm expecting, bloodsy.
ANGEL! Morning/Afternoon/Night. I feel answering the greeting is too late.
Malu, I wanna a pina colada. Like really bad. I've been craving for it for the last two weeks.
Piña Colada sounds great.
It's my history test for all year and what I actually did was sleep after I finished answering the questions on each section
93 ikr? Refreshing.
oooh. And when do you get the results back?
By the end of the year. So next week? It seemed incredibly easy
@Neri - 28 hours until you're officially a driver right?
@Darky - lol nah neva too late for greetings ^^ Also, I can't do the LI this month >.< Or next month...Maybe I can but no promises.
@Twin - I never finish my tests early 0.0 How does it feel?
Good actually. I read and think fast so I also finish early.
92 good morning. Good moooooorning.
Found some new jokes!
Q: How do stories from Justin Biebers early childhood begin? A: "A few months ago"
Dear Twilight, You are not the end of an era. Harry Potter was the end of an era. You, are the end of an error. Sincerely, Potterheads.
Q: What is Justin Bieber's new hit single? A: "If I were a Boy"
Why does Voldemort only use Twitter and not Facebook? Cause he only has followers, not friends (ouch)
Why did Harry Potter cross the road? No reason, but someone will write fan fiction about it.
(so true)
Last edited by malu (24-05-2014 18:53:15)
Moringgg! Stayed up really late again...
@Angel: Yeah, actually, it's now 27 hours until I can get my license. But even then, according to the law I can't get it for another five months, so I'm doing it kind of slow so I'll be done right around my 17th birthday.
I don't believe in wishing 'happy b day' in advance so I'm not gonna. I shall wait for 27 hours!
Wait hold on, my birthday's in 5 months. I just have to do 27 hours of driving within the 5 months. Sorry if my sentence was confusing, stayed up late writing and now I can't spell or construct proper sentences -.-
@Neri - Oh well that's a while though 0.0
@Malu - Lol those are perfect! I love the voldemort one. Burn ^^
New band!! or new to me that I heard last night and fell in love with - Marianas Trench
Haven't Had Enough and Ever After are my favorite songs!
They're whole album, Ever After, has amazing songs!
Last edited by angelfire (24-05-2014 19:33:16)
5 months then!
Good luck of (to?) driving. I would write down some gears- I mean, fears of mine buut don't wanna freak you out.
My favorite joke is: Why did Snape stand in the middle of the road? So you won't know what side he's on.
A bit of a stupid question: What genre are they? Ze band.
Last edited by malu (24-05-2014 19:34:11)
Hehe...truth is, I already have fears. But that seems to make me a good driver...?
Never heard of that band though. I have to look them up now...
I remember once my mom tried driving and she headed straight into the sea. (We were on an island) But after you do get your license you can get speakers in back of your car and be like
Wow. Actually, one of my fears was to over-steer and crash right through the fence and roll right down a mountain and fall into the lake. Bad dreams, right there...
But yes, I totally want to be like a panda with awesome speakers :D Gonna be blasting orchestral music like a boss
Yeah my dream care would have to have a pretty loud sound mix ^^
The band is a rock band :D
How about running over a bunny?
Let's not run over poor rabbits
Agreed. :(
Watcha doooing, Angel?
I'm listening to Marianas Trench. Their album, Ever After (as I have just found out) is a story that they created and everything. The story has a mini video to it as well!
Twas watching that :D
What about you malu?
Got caught up in Horimiya for a moment there (<--new chapter)
You make them sound really interesting, Angel...Maybe I should look them up sooner rather then later...
I heard them for the first time on pandora yesterday. They've never come up on my playlist before so I was interested. I couldn't remember the song nor name of the band but then this morning another song of theirs came up from the same album (i remember the picture) And then today I looked at a few of their songs, their background and a little bit about the members too.
They have a really nice sound. I'd say listen to Haven't Had Enough first. That's the first one I heard :D