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That I did
Wow! I've always been too scared to do it :P How is it?
Morning Malu! Or night? Good evening?
It's amazing. I love it. It's amazing to play Pokémon gold on the gameboy color on the iPhone.
That is brilliant Twin!!
Rarity - I want to know what happened but I'll refrain from asking. Unless that was like asking. Then sorry ^^
30 congrats bloodsy!!!
I'm actually currently working on a Pokemon RPG fan game with some other people. Can't announce much about it now, but hopefully soon.
Well turned 18 today .-. dont feel any different :P
Thanks, Varky.
I'm loving my game so much. I missed playing it so badly.
And I got 42/80 on an APUSH m/c practice test. I'm actually happy bought that. Too bad I can't take the test. Couldn't pay for it.
Happy b day, Ilove!!! <3
And let it sink in a bit and trust me you'll feel different.
Last edited by malu (12-05-2014 14:07:05)
happy birthday Ilove!!!!!!!!
Finished our play on saturday. I feel so...empty. What is the meaning of life anymore?
I've been doing plays since freshman year and Spamalot was the best one we've done so far.
Just gonna drop in and say Happy Belated Birthday Ilovem! Officially an adult now? ...Yeah, it'll sink in in a bit.
My internet is getting shut off in 2 days. Twin, two mind caring for money for a bit?
26 Just when I'm going to have some time to be online, your internet is gone :pleur: :pleur: :pleur: I can take care of your money on weekdays (there will be exceptions but will talk to Angel).
ilove, a very belated happy birthday! You don't feel it until a few months later, I think :P
It's only been less than a month for me and I already feel different! :D
Well, though my internet won't be gone, i'll disappear for long periods of time as this week is all tests.
US/Virginia History SOL
AP US History Exam
English 11 Reading SOL
The SOLs are standardized tests. I know they call them by different names in different states.
Though Thursday doesn't have anything, I have to study for my AP Stat Exam which I have to make up the following week.
Last edited by angelfire (13-05-2014 14:21:19)
Good Luck, Angel!
Thanks malu! I'll disappear now. But I'll be back in about an hour.
26 oooh grown up malu. Sometimes I feel I got crazier. Others I feel so serious and professional.
good luck angel!
Thanks guys!
Yeah I've been pretty much the same since I was like 5. Which is good cuz I used to act too old for my age. Way too mature for a 5 year old to be. So now at this age, it fits ^^
I have a rant to go through but I'll do that later. After exams probably. I'm trying not to let people get to me this week. Harder when it's the adults in my life.
They're called EOC (End of Course) here.
Hey Rare! I used you as an example, sort of, in my state On Demand writing.