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Intermixing two different cultures with online classes. We had to make an action plan for it so a who, what, when, where, why, and how. I brought up the fact that I had an online friend from Australia and how we have common interest and came up with a way to mix an Australian art class with an American art class and getting the communication cross seas to work.
Very. Since I can remember the time some difference, it's why I used her.
Finished APUSH Exam today. Next is the English Reading SOL and the AP Stat Makeup :D
Me while reading (watching, whatever) Homestuck:
"Wait, whut?"
"All hail mayor of can town!"
"This dude needs to meet Cecil."
*face palm* "Lovely, Rose, just lovely."
"Yeah, Night Vale needs some sort of can park."
LOL, spi!
I've been listening to Don't Stop by 5 Seconds of Summer. It's the best song ever!!! <3 But I've been listening to it on full volume.. Now I feel dizzy.
Last edited by malu (15-05-2014 17:49:15)
21 *walks like a zombie* weekend...weeeeeeekend...
I had a hell of a day yesterday
21 lol malu. I can relate :P
aw bloodsy. At least it's over?
I have a feeling my summer is going to be ... overly active. I need a vacation...any sort of vacation.
And I need to get off my butt and clean! My room is a mess, life is so disorganized and I think I have OCD..
And I'm almost in tears cause I have so many bookmarks!
Last edited by malu (16-05-2014 15:26:28)
It goes into today and i'm pretty upset
Oh thank god I'm done >.< Friday was my last sol. I actually fell asleep on the couch but no one woke me up to send me to bed. They didn't even put a blanket on me...I was cold. So I had to get up and go all the way downstairs, change, get in my bed, and sleep >.> Now I'm almost awake.
Almost. i'm going back to sleep.
Twin, how was your day today? or yesterday? Days are beneath me...I can't keep track of them.
I presented my presentation to doctors again on Thursday, Had one...I have so many unkind words for...tell us our project was crap, in a nutshell anyway. Got my grade for it 89. A B. I got a freaking B. :honte:
But at least I'm going to the flea market with Caije in a couple of hours.
Is a B bad? O.O
Well malu, when you get an 89, a B is bad. The next number is a 90. which is a whole letter grade up to an A. If you get an 88 or even an 87, oky. But an 89? She was one percentage point away from an A
That, twin, must be very annoying to you.
Bloody, what I do is if I get a 79, I check the whole paper again twice to see if there's a place where I could steal a percentage from. Try it to see if they missed something or if there is a word or so that you should get an extra % (percentage is such a long word!!) from it.
omelette is such a weird word..
Yeah? I often wonder who came up with certain words...Like what were they thinking about?
Twin, my grading scale is different. 93 is the lowest A.
Malu, cannot do that bc my presentation is based on judges scores
O me lett te? Nope. Doesn't make sense..
That's sad. :/ Well, it's ok, you'll do better in ze next one I'm sure!
14 C'est la vie, girls. Subjective grading is the worst, but the best thing to do about them is to just ignore them and move ahead. Really. As annoying as it is.
lol. Malu. I've always felt that 'often' sounds the worst...Or "Laboratory"!
My next one will be for the bosses I'll be during my interniship under