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Watching a football match (Some AFC thing) between my country and some other country. Rootin' for the other team cause their so cute.
Last edited by malu (27-05-2014 18:30:14)
Wait...What kind of cute do you mean here? But still, can't really blame you either way because I'd probably do the same thing...
Oh! Right now I'm thinking about what I should draw next (<--Really bored) Any suggestions?
Their definitively better looking than the people in my country.
Oh! Finally scored a goal. From the head too! :D Hug time!
Hum... OMD fanart!
Whoo! :gai:
Okay, I'll try that...
Random question, but do you participate in the fashion show?
Very rarely. :D Do you?
No, not really...I've thought about it, but then I'm not sure If I understand the rules, so I just don't bother... Plus also, I'm still trying to save up so I'm trying to resist anything that i need $$$ for...Also haven't done a quest in months now that I think about it...
We have a wacky schedule this week due to SOL testing. So I went to school at 11am and had 4th period and 1st on the same day >.> Good for me to sleep in though ^^
Philippines won ze match.
I need to save too, Neriah. I save upto a 100 every time and end up spending it.
Last edited by malu (28-05-2014 12:22:22)
62 Bonjiorno! <--- Right spelling? *shrugs*
I've been saving on almost all of my accounts now. Wasn't particularly interested in most of the new quests and Feerik is moving much slower than before.
80% of my accounts have 500+ money
92 see? Not the only one.
bloodsy, school over yet?
On Friday v.v
I have my first job interview today. :hypn:
Good luck, Bloody. *hands a banana* May the Force be with you.
Last edited by malu (28-05-2014 18:44:48)
I think it went alright.
Am I cruel for telling Caije that I forgot to come over when I'm actually hiding under a blanket in his room waiting for him to get off the bus?
Well first:
good luck on the result of the interview
second, lemme know what happens right after you give him a heart attack :D
Last edited by angelfire (28-05-2014 21:50:16)
Mountain-lion-puun! I've always wanted to try that...
Did some archery today... It. is. really. hot. here. I'm worn out -.-
He was upset. I had him do upset and then I went I popped out of the blanket, he was speechless. I laughed my butt off. He's happy now.
Neriah take me with youuuu!! I love archery!
It was funny as hell
Meep! So cute :> I luf you guys so much <333
Lol thank you twinn
I have two book ideas that are really hard to make >.< I blame english for making me read the classics. That's all I can write as now >.>
Really? O.O
So Long Bow or Compound? or maybe Crossbow? I prefer Compound...
Geez, that looks ^ nerdy ^
I'm not a pro or anything ^^ My mom got trained to give beginner archery lessons in Girl Scouts and Boy scouts. I've only done it once (but it was so much fun that once)
10 rounds and all in the yellow! Except for one cuz I was laughing >.> That one flew away from the target and into the net behind it.
Of course they weren't that far. About 20 or 30 feet away.
I tried the Compound but I didn't like it as much as Long Bow
Oh cool. Sounds like you have a good eye. I'm still a Girl Scout myself. coming up to the last year though.. :'(
I'm not really pro either, I just go with other homeschoolers at about 10-15 yards? ...Actually today was full of not-centre hits and total misses. One even bounced and ended up right back at my feet... I blame boys and bad jokes ._.