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Lol ^^ Last year for you too? The Gold Award is so hard to think about >.<
We were just camping that one time so then we got a chance to do it. We just don't ahve the time to go casually :(
But soon!
Gold award? I can't even fathom it right now... I've got no ideas...Used them all up for volunteering.
We just went camping. Though at the end I totally cried like a baby -.- Can't stand goodbyes.
Also... I wasn't aware you were that age O.O I cereal Thought you were older.
I have an idea and I've decided to link it up with my Senior Project. I changed it twice but I think I'm sure of this one :D
Yeah I'm only 17 ^^ Really though? Older? How old did you think I was?
-Darky's the oldest of us here. She's halfway through college. Or she's done (lol so old)
-Then Pica
-Rarity's next or...amary..Rare and Amary (Malu's cousin) are about the same ageish
-Then Ilovem, Twin (bloody), me, and Rukia in that order. We're a few months away from each other. Sleepy and xemo are somewhere around here.
-Then Malu.
-The youngest is Spi (I wuf you spi!)
I don't know where selini, bebe and ice are ^^"
This isn't counting Coco, Snort, History, Laura, Willow, fairy and N0regrets. They're all mommies. Though I don't know about Laura, coco, and fairy.
Last edited by angelfire (29-05-2014 15:47:11)
I'm turning 17 next month aaaand we are having a surprise party next week for a friend :)
Yup. I'll be 18 in November :D
AHHH! Rukia! I forgot to add you! I'm so sorry >.< I was trying so hard not to forget anyone too 3:
91 I'm not old. Pssssh...
Fairy is a mom. :D And I think Coco is in her twenties.
I come here to find Darky being called old *sigh* All is well in the world again <3
Last edited by malu (29-05-2014 16:56:34)
91 :p if I'm old, you're babies
angelfire wrote:
Yeah I'm only 17 ^^ Really though? Older? How old did you think I was?
Hmmm...about 19-ish. Might just be because I'm in a stage of mind where I think everyone's older then me...
Hah... -.O
Babies are cute. :3
I'd probably be never in that stage cause everyone IS older than me here and Keels (Spi <3) acts more responsibly than I do.
I blame College and all my friends who are going this fall for my 'stage' >.>
How old are you anyways Neri ?
Gosh I'm really confused about College ... I really don't know what to study or do or uhhhh ...What are you old gurls studying?
Tee hee ^^ Darky's still old.
I honestly don't mind being younger. Not in it for the stress of senior year >.<
90 I'm studying Computer Science/ Software Engineering Rukia. Yes...It's as geeky as it gets.
Weeeeeeeell, I'm still 12 on the inside :P
I am studying that now in high school Darky...we have like 8-10 hours of that (normal classes have just 2) but I don't know if I should keep going with that
I'm studying health sciences. I'm getting ahead on my college and can be a sophomore before I start my actually college years. I'll skip freshman stage.
On the age thing: I also see Varky as like 24-25 and she's 22 (I hope I'm right) and I've always thought Malu was 17-18 which shocked me to hear she was 14.
OH!!! I'm happy! I GOT OUTSTANDING STUDENT FOR MATHEMATICS FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR!! THIS MEANS MY NAME GETS PUT INTO A DRAWING FOR AN IPAD AIR 14 TIMES (1 per A (which was 11 all year...I got a B once -_- ) and 3 for the outstanding student)
100 Well, rukia, the reason I chose this is because I really liked the idea behind it. In college it becomes less about programming and more about the thought process about it.
Also, if I chose to, I can end up in the gaming industry which I love. Other than that, what's cool is that you can end up working in any industry really since applications are being developed for everything.
If you need help or wanna take about how it's in college, lemme know.
And I sound 24? Like even older? wow...Why do people think that?!
Hm.. What do they say, Darky? Your maturity goes further than your age or something?
LOL ~ Ron talking about Titanic
Last edited by malu (29-05-2014 21:55:21)
You do sound older!
99 not sure if that's good or bad buuut hey I'll take it.
I feel like it's been so long since we last talked girlies. Missed you!
I've been listening to a lot of romantic saxophone music lately.
Missed you lots too Darky!
Saxophone? Why?
Let's just say, my dad hit the last straw. He has butted into my relationship one too many times.