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Sorry for low quality but I don't really have much time TT.TT . I know it really isn't explicit at all . You can find some really nice stocks and resources on the internet
Last edited by rukia131 (02-06-2014 21:51:15)
Whoa...! Rukia, I have a lot of respect for you right now. I didn't realize it took all that work and layering :hypn:
I'm moving. I finally get my life together, my future, and it's all taken away. I'll be in N. or S. Carolina before the summer is out.
Okay so i still have to practice mixing all the brush types. It's the one problem I have.
Thanks so much Rukia!! It's really helped alot!!
One last question (im so sorry for bothering you >.<), Do you dowbload premade brushes or you make them yourself from scratch?
Last edited by angelfire (03-06-2014 04:26:01)
I'm moving. I finally get my life together, my future, and it's all taken away. I'll be in N. or S. Carolina before the summer is out.
I'm just downloading them Angel
And I don't know Bloody it may look bad and I'm usually stupid ... but moving sounds like a good thing to me now . I don't know ...don't mind me ...I can't really understand
Oh man! Did you just find out? Why is this happening? (don't answer if you don't want to)
You don't just decide to move all of a sudden.
My mother family is just getting worse towards us that he's getting tired of it. I have constantly moved and would've liked to spend all my time in 1 school district. I had future plans. *sigh* I'm tired of moving. I guess I'll have to see what happens.
Have you all talked about it together?
It's what we normally do, but with us it doesn't make a difference because if my dad has something in his mind, he's not taking no for an answer until he decides no.
I tried but it's always his way plus everyone but me wants to.
96 Well, think about it. Some people in your school are annoying right? Maybe moving will be better. Aaaaaand if it's any help, I might be moving to NC or SC soon, too. Nothing certain, but I might end up actually doing it.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (03-06-2014 17:17:41)
Varky, I'm not gonna get offered what I have been offered anywhere else. My college courses and interniship next year. I won't get that there. Just a normal year to get the diploma. And I finally, after 3 years in this district, made friends. Yeah there's annoying people but that's everywhere.
Yeah, moving is not an option for you. Senior year is critical. Not only for closure but to get all that help as well.
*Hugs* Twin. I haven't virtually given you one for a long time
Can't you stay there on your own then? Like... you are old enough and you seem really mature
Parents forbid it and I won't turn 18, legal age, until November.
I also realized why I can't sleep. My fears of death.
Edit: I'm in love with the anime Highschool DxD right now.
Last edited by bloodyemos (04-06-2014 15:29:05)
Oh, and Angel, Just found a Marianas Trench album at the library. (Yeah, I know that's super late) But I really love their songs now. listening to "Haven't had Enough" on repeat :love:
Last edited by neriah10 (05-06-2014 01:05:40)
neriah10 wrote:
(@Melodie: Sorry, I'm just curious--From which Akatsuki do you mean?)
Akatsuki as in Naruto's villain group Akatsuki xD
But there's also a manga called Akatsuki No Yona that I read if that's what your thinking.
And I realised you're a PH fan too- do you read the manga xD?
Ah. That one. I actually had like three different "Akatsuki"'s that came to mind...
PH? *Searches brain* Oh! Like Pandora Hearts? if that's what you mean, then yes, I read the manga. I'm not sure what chapter I'm at, but I know I finished volume 20 (?)
ISN'T MARIANA'S TRENCH BRILLIANT?! My favorite songs are "Haven't Had enough" and "Stutter" and "Fallout" and "No Place Like Home" and "Ever After"
@Twin - Thats...not fixable. Unless you read The Fault in Our Stars. Just saying. Augustus is afraid of death too but he didn't seem like it.
*Whispers* read it
Last edited by angelfire (05-06-2014 03:10:51)
I refuse to read it since Tumblr and my sister has drive me nuts over it that I can't stand the slight thought or image of it.
NO! READ IT! PLEASE!! You're going to adore it! Maybe...I know people who hate reading with a passion. But they love TFiOS