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I just don't like it.
You won't know if you don't read :3
I know from what I hear. Not my kind of book.
:pleur: But it's soo good! Can't judge a book by it's cover :star: or what you hear about it
Had a dream I was driving on the highway and crashed. Aaaand driving practice is today. xD
You talking about TFiOs? I have to read that for book club :3 I'm trying to prepare myself though, because I Know I will cry (<-- I'm a Crybaby)
I read the book too, and liked it (: Wasn't my style of reading but I still thought it was a good book
I saw this and I was like: So Val!!
It reminds me more of Anna ^^
93 omg malu yeah!!!!!! That's perfect!!!!!!
missed you girls. I'm hoping o spend time online tomorrow!
Sadly yes.
And that's it. Yesterday was the last day I saw him.
92 Never say last. You'll see him again in a while. Hug?
Bloody, just keep telling yourself that you'll definitely see him again. Convince yourself of that. Try not to be too upset, okay? I'm sure No one here wants you to be upset...
I'm sorry for kind of bringing it up though... :intr:
Well I just finished the Harry Potter movies! Yes, I'm 18 and never seen them till now, and lets just say, the ending of the movie made my heart melt <3
Oh yea! I love ya Ilove!! <33
Heads up: I'm on his phone. Been helping pack last 2 days. Lost internet yesterday. Varky, Twin: need money help till further notice. Just do them when you can.
No problem! I'll get right on them :3
Friday and today was the wedding of someone related to us. It was so adorable! The bride and groom looked so awkward it was so cute :3
Now I talk about my future wedding plans with my family all the time, especially these two days since I can point thins out and stuff. Like how I told my mom that I want an extremely traditional wedding (the bride's family plans the wedding part). I told my siblings that they had better not leave a boring moment for anyone. And my brother said that he'd put up all my drawings I've made over the years.
Of course, we only talk amongst ourselves about this.
I'm not even next in line...There's about 5 or 6 other people who are supposed to get married before me and guess what happens...EVERYONE (the older adults) was like, so when are you getting married.
And what does my mom do...tell EVERYONE about the aforementioned >.<
89 *ehem* Better than telling others that the family is working on it *ehem* <--- What my parents said...*sigh*
Did I tell you all that Caije pretty much proposed to me and that he plans to make our rings out of stainless steel while he's up there and actually pop the question at some point in the next 2 years?
awww :love:
Ever have just one of those days? I yelled at this person who I care about a lot, cause I was extremely mad, and just pushed to the limit. Now all last night they gave me the cold shoulder and I feel like crap. I cried for a good 4 hours last night, I don't feel good (thanks mother nature), my mind also feels worse, and on top of that they are still giving me the cold shoulder. They wont even accept my apologies
I have those days a lot bc I get pretty wenchy and cold hearted..
So bc my dad already wanted me to move on within less than 12 hours of Caije leaving the state, I devised a plan he (Caije) approves of. I'm good friends with his best friend whom happens to be a chick. She's a bit psycho and do anything for the two of us so guess who's going gay for 2 years? This chick.
Last edited by bloodyemos (10-06-2014 01:09:23)
O.O Whoa, he's okay with that? Mmm...actually, I can see why he's okay with that (in a way). Though, I imagine your dad might not be too happy about that (if I'm understanding it right)
Last edited by neriah10 (10-06-2014 02:38:12)