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"oh really now? How long are we staying like this?"
"Does it bother you ?"
"'s nice.'s just I'm not that used to it really."
(lol it really feels like way more than a day XD they seem like flirting for a week already )
"You'll get used to it "
((Yeah! I was actually just thinking Violet has gone a bit OOC because of it. I feel like they've been there for ages when in reality it's just a day. I really want to move forward!!!))
"And that's good?" I asked.
( lol yeah they feel like close to kissing and stuff XD pretty fast for Kuro too )
Kuro :
"I don't know you tell me it good?"
"...I'm not sure, to be honest." I said looking away.
((Or not?))
( maybe XD ... I still can't wait for action and teams ... Had enough flirting and chit chating)
Kuro :
I let go of her . "Let's do something else ."
(YES! I just don't know how far we can go with the action without changing what was planned. Any ideas?)
(( Same. Like I said before. Small talk is not something my characters do. We've already established character development, and relationships between characters. Rare! Where are you?! Anyone have any idea what was planned? ))