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Maybe one another can help EACH other to find perfect future careers for one another. Listening to others interest and options can really help opening others eyes and look into them if interested.. :aomd_bravo: :aomd_fan: :aomd_news:
Now seriously speaking when I grow up i want to be a cat
rukia131 wrote:
Now seriously speaking when I grow up i want to be a cat
You're in luck.. :3
That cat group sounds like such a great idea ...I don't even need a backup plan . Thanks Coco :))
Ohhh COOL !:omd:
rukia131 wrote:
That cat group sounds like such a great idea ...I don't even need a backup plan . Thanks Coco :))
That is one of the longest musicals ever! I love it! Andrew L Webber is a genius. I LOVE IT!
My future career will be in film/television - what specifically idk yet
My career will most likely be a doctor. I'm studying physical science now, and I'm really glad I started school a year early, because I really counldn't stand to wait.
However there's nothing I want more in my life than to travel the world. I hope one day I'll be able to do it.
spiderwick9 wrote:
My career will most likely be a doctor. I'm studying physical science now, and I'm really glad I started school a year early, because I really counldn't stand to wait.
However there's nothing I want more in my life than to travel the world. I hope one day I'll be able to do it.
~Nothing is impossible in life i want to study to be a RN, hopefully you'r choice of medical professions goes well, and I as well want to travel around the world :) & be in the best of the best hotels and oceans and everything !!!!!! I like you'r thinking and i hope everything goes well.