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#4701 27-10-2014 20:44:30

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Looking up, I saw Ryan waving and waved back smiling and said, "Kay. Waiting for you."

Hanging up, I told Elias, "She's coming."


#4702 27-10-2014 20:47:17

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Ryan :
"See ya later Leon! Go and figure out that thing!" I said jumping out the window, teleporting midway on the ground. "So you think of the place you wanna go to. You sense your energy channel at that place if there is one. And ta da . You teleport just like that." I said and hugged her tightly. "But if you go away you gotta visit adapt."


#4703 27-10-2014 21:03:31

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I hugged her back tightly, "And you too! You're really the only reason, as well as Bly, that I was hesitating..." As I let go, I said, "First rule, text text text! Day or night! Second Rule, we have to go out together asap!"

The only problem was .... The two people I needed advice from. I couldn't break the news to them. They'd think I'm crazy or rushing, but ... I didn't see any reason to postpone this. Taking a deep breath, I decided to take a walk around the castle. Maybe that would help. If I ran into Ryan's Grandpa, however....I guess maybe I'll just tell him.

Last edited by darkelfqueen (27-10-2014 21:05:16)


#4704 27-10-2014 21:12:23

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
"You're ready to go?" I asked Diana

Granny :
"Leon ,dear you've here for almost half a day and yet you did not stop to talk to me." I said warmly smiling as I met him.


#4705 27-10-2014 21:18:17

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Sir! I had been meaning to drop by! I apologize for moving over this sudden."

I nodded and went over to his side holding his hand. "Do you have the place in mind?"


#4706 27-10-2014 21:21:30

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias ;
"Yep... Hope I won't kill us... " I said and successfuly teleported in the back yard of my home. "Wow. We're alive."

Granny :
"There is no need for formalities." I said slowly rising my hand. " I told you, you can think of this place as your own home. What is troubling you this time?"


#4707 27-10-2014 21:23:37

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

How does he always know?! "Well...I could say the sudden war, but I'd be lying. Believe it or not, it's something a lot more ... mundane....Personal." I was trying to get the courage to talk.

"Yay!!" I exclaimed hugging him. After giving him a kiss on the cheek, I turned around to look at his home. "This is your home? It seems peaceful and quiet..."

Last edited by darkelfqueen (27-10-2014 21:23:50)


#4708 27-10-2014 21:30:21

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
"Oh wait till you get inside." I said opening the door and walking in on Klaus playing his electric guitar on the coffee table.
"Wooah Elias. " he stopped and said. "I was starting to feel alone. Levi moved in with his girl, Chris is away at the Uni and Terence is sleeping in the restaurant." he added them jumped down from the table. "Hello beautiful." He winked at Diana

Granny :
"So what could this mundane bother be?"


#4709 27-10-2014 21:39:38

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Hi." I said smiling at him. He didn't look at all like Christian or Elias! But something about his personality reminded me of Elias when he was in his more care-free moods. "Nice guitar. A Schecter sunset Classic II?" I recognized the model from the last time I went into a store that sold musical instruments.

"I'm not a guy that beats around the bush, so I'll have to say this straight. I know I've known Ryan for ... a relatively short time, but I also know that I love her. I've met many girls and to be honest, she's the only one that ever touched me on the inside. I can tell I would want to spend the rest of my life with her."

Taking another deep breath, I said, "I like to do things more formally, though, out of respect to her and to you and Denise, her family. I would like to ... marry Ryan."

I quickly added, "I know she's underage. A year underage to be more exact, so all I'm asking is ... if you think it's wise for the both of us to move forward with this ... for us to get engaged for now. Until we find the right time to get married."

((GOD THAT WAS PAINFUL TO WRITE!)) -- AND then read!))

((BTW feel free to turn him down :P It's just Leon to you. He aims and he shoots. When it comes to these things, he can be too ... rushy?))

Last edited by darkelfqueen (27-10-2014 21:47:19)


#4710 27-10-2014 21:49:34

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Granny :
"I do not think is wise or not wise. It is a step that must be taken. The only question you should keep in mind for now is "when will she accept?". The idea of engagement might be frightening for a girl that two weeks ago had her first kiss. She has much to learn about love before taking those steps. "

Klau :
"And here comes the party killer." I said and hugged her." welcome to the family, whatever. I'll go shopping, I'll be late, cook dinner." And with that he just went out by the front door.


#4711 27-10-2014 21:55:55

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Of course...I haven't talked about this to her yet. I need to ask her. And I have a feeling, I won't get a response.... At least, i thought I needed to get your permission in  a way. You are her guardian."

"I like him." i told Elias chuckling.


#4712 27-10-2014 22:02:33

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Granny :
"She will have to give up most of her power to Denise if she is to marry you."

Elias :
"He's cool. Wanna see the house?"


#4713 27-10-2014 22:05:40

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Yeah. I'm ready for the grand tour." I said kinda excitedly. I was seeing more of his background and past and it was intriguing!

"...Why is that? She does have more energy than I do, right? Wouldn't that preserve her energy?"


#4714 27-10-2014 22:13:44

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Granny :
"The amount of energy she can use is about 1/4 of your energy. So she can increase her physical strength, which is unlikely, or give it up to Denise."

Elias :
"Well here we're in the living , the big room there is the kitchen, the room right next to it is Terry's and the other room is a bathroom. Now, upstairs. The black door with signs all over it is Klau's, the one at the end of the hall is Levi's and the nicely painted one is Chris. And this one." I said opening the door. " is mine." It was decorated in a Japanese fashion, and everything was nicely and carefully placed.


#4715 27-10-2014 22:16:25

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Wow....It's...beautiful!" I said looking around. "I didn't know you had an eye out for decor, Mr. Blackbourne."

"That...makes sense...Another thing to take into account."


#4716 27-10-2014 22:20:33

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Granny :
"Do you need any more guidance?"

Elias :
"Yea. I think you'll have to sleep in Christian's room. It's very elegant. Levi's is also empty but it's a mess. No human should go in there."


#4717 27-10-2014 22:23:08

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"...Are you sure Christian will be okay with that, though? I mean...when he gets here he'll find out I did lie to him."

"Nothing else comes to mind, sir...Unless you think there's something else I haven't though of."


#4718 27-10-2014 22:25:00

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Granny :
"I asked you to stop calling me sir. Not long from now you might be part of the family."

Elias :
"Is fine , is fine."

Last edited by rukia131 (27-10-2014 22:25:18)


#4719 27-10-2014 22:31:15

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"...I ...How should I address you?" I wasn't entirely sure what was acceptable by him.

"ookay...if you say so." I said smiling a little still taking his room in.


#4720 27-10-2014 22:33:22

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
"Take a seat." I said pointing to the bed. "Should I make some tea?"

Granny :
"If you're comfortable you can call me grandfather."


#4721 27-10-2014 22:35:15

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"It...It's actually an honor for me... Grandfather."

"That'd be nice. Would you be okay if I came with you to the kitchen?"


#4722 27-10-2014 22:38:08

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
"Yea sure, come."

Granny :
I fatherly hit his back then continued walking. "Don't forget about dinner." I added before returning to some servants.


#4723 27-10-2014 22:53:07

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I followed him there. " organized the kitchen?"

I smiled at the man's fatherly antics. I...could get used to that. Going back to Ryan's bedroom, I didn't find her there so I decided to sit down and play the  piano waiting for her.


#4724 27-10-2014 23:50:19

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Well I'd be scared if you knew honestly. We don't talk and I don't think I've told anyone much of what I like and don't like yet. Haven't talked to many people since I got here anyway."
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#4725 28-10-2014 01:32:04

From: If I knew I'd tell you
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3138

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"yeah... I guess we don't talk much... and the same goes for me, kind of..." After finding a mug, I set it down on the counter.  "So what do like to cook?"
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