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#7751 16-12-2014 17:41:12

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Ryan :
"Anything in the whole world."

Elias :
"Well I want cigarettes but I think your chocolate cake might be better."

Klaus :
"Sweet dreams Marie." I waved and smiled.

Denise :
"Girl or boy? What do you want?"

Last edited by rukia131 (16-12-2014 17:41:42)


#7752 16-12-2014 17:49:11

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)


"I wouldn't mind either way."
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#7753 16-12-2014 17:51:15

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Denise :
"Yeah we need to have another one anyways..."


#7754 16-12-2014 17:56:02

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I smiled before giving him a kiss on the cheek and saying, "Thank you." I started leading us towards the checkout.

"You too." i smiled at him and saw him teleport away. I, then, teleported to Denise's apartment and changed out of my wet clothes then sat down on the bed. Resting my head against the wall, I hugged my legs to my chest. Finding bad thoughts coming to my head, I decided to turn on some music to try and not think about them. After a while, I gave up and decided to try and sleep.

He thought for a minute, then said, "Can I cook breakfast with you?"


#7755 16-12-2014 18:08:57

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Ryan :
"Yea sure you two go ahead. I'll just change."

Elias :
I took the shopping bags and walked home giving her my other hand.

Klaus :
I had a good night sleep then woke up early to get ready for the concert sending Marie a text with the location.


#7756 16-12-2014 18:21:24

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I had a veyr hard night but woke up and showered and put on makeup hiding any exhaustion from my face then walked to the location Klaus sent me.

"Alright, milady. Let's go kiddo." i said taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen. I then took out a small chef hat and placed on his head.

"I didn't see Matthias today. He felt lazy?"


#7757 16-12-2014 18:26:02

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Ryan :
I quickly hot ready and then threw on some clothes and went downstairs to help them with the cooking.

Elias :
"Yep. Maybe I should call him and see what he's up to."

Klaus :
We were doing the last check up on the instruments when I saw Marie coming and waved.


#7758 16-12-2014 18:32:05

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Yeah you can even bring him over for the cake right?"

"Well well well. The master chef is here. All hail, Master chef Ryan." Thomas started laughing and clapping for her.

I ran over close enough to him and said, "Well, I have to give you think. You do have enough fangirls."


#7759 16-12-2014 18:35:39

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Klaus :
"Well I am talented indeed. And I can't say that I lack the looks can I?"

Elias :
"Yeah we could."

Ryan :
"Thank you thank you but please save your applauses for the king."


#7760 16-12-2014 18:37:45

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"True true." i said bowing majestically before little Thomas before saying, "Pardon me, your highness. What would you like to cook for breakfast?"
He thought for a second ebfore saying, "Waffles! Blue waffles!!"

"He seemed like a nice guy." I commented as we entered the house. It wasn't too far away from the supermarket..That dreaded supermarket.

"And don't forget humble." I said laughing.


#7761 16-12-2014 18:37:56

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)


"You want me to have another one?!"
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#7762 16-12-2014 18:51:59

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Denise :
"We need a heir. You know for the fire throne. That kid you got there will be born an earth spirit."

Ryan :
"I don't know how to make waffles but I can follow commands!"

Elias :
"He is. He helped me saving you."

Klaus :
"Hey. We can't be the best at anything." I said before one of my band mates called me. "Ok we're gonna start now. Wish me luck."


#7763 16-12-2014 19:07:22

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I winked at him saying, "Good luck" before running off back to the crowd.

"I'll be giving instructions then, if you don't mind."

"Yeah I know. We heard him." I said as I started emptying the bags.


#7764 16-12-2014 19:11:24

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
I helped her then took a seat watching her. "Do your magic"

Ryan :
"Ok." I said and tried to follow the instructions but broke a plate in the process.

Klaus :
The concert went well and the crown was on fire. After the show the guys went down and started talking with the fan girls and sign autographs while I sneaked up behind the scene.


#7765 16-12-2014 19:15:39

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)


"Hah!" He's crazy. He's lost it.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#7766 16-12-2014 19:18:36

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Denise :
"I'm serious if we will get married you gotta do it... And I always wanted a big family. I'm serious..."


#7767 16-12-2014 19:18:52

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Marie: I saw him sneak to the back and followed him. "Tired of fame, super star?"

"Don't worry about it." i said taking a nearby groom to clean the shards. "Thomas. Onto the chair. Don't want the shards in your shoes." In a few minutes, I was done. "See? no harm done. I hated that plate, too."

I smiled at him and turned on some music and started cooking and dancing while doing it. A song came in the radio that I liked and I started singing with it.
'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.


Last edited by darkelfqueen (16-12-2014 19:22:16)


#7768 16-12-2014 19:25:09

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
I started laughing. "Terry loves this song but e always sings it so fake."

Klaus :
"No just extremely hungry. I wanna go and eat."

Ryan :
I laughed. "Sure thing. I think the waffles are done."


#7769 16-12-2014 19:31:06

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I chuckled, "Heeeey! I want to hear him sing it!!"

"You didn't have breakfast, did you?"

Thomas held his hands up to take a plate and help her serve. "His royal highness should be sitting down now. I'll bring the food for him. No king serves food." I said picking him up and to the table, then turning to Ryan. "The master chef should do the same."

Last edited by darkelfqueen (16-12-2014 19:31:18)


#7770 16-12-2014 19:34:42

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Ryan :
"Thank you our lovely knight." I said and sat down.

Elias :
"No way! You're gonna wish you never did. He also sings that song like "I'm a big big girl in a big big world is not a big big thing... " I'm sure you know it."

Klaus :
"No I didn't! I'm starving."


#7771 16-12-2014 19:41:46

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Let's celebrate your fandom and go eat somewhere. My treat."

"I only know the one that goes like 'Everytime we lunch, I get so sick with it' or something like that." I said laughing.

I brought them their plates and sat down. "I'd like to make a toast for our royal highness, King Thomas." I said raising a cup of tea.


#7772 16-12-2014 19:45:57

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Ryan :
"The one and only. Our great and powerful king." I said rising my glass of milk.

Elias :
"How's the cake doing?"

Klaus :
"Really? Thanks! I'll love you forever and ever!"


#7773 16-12-2014 19:49:10

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"I might want to tape that for future reference." i said laughing.

"To my one and only brother, Thomas Sol!" He was chuckling and said, "I love you Niisama...and Ryan."

I knelt down checking on it as I placed it in the oven. 'I think give it about fifteen minutes of baking and fifteen minutes for cooling down and frosting."


#7774 16-12-2014 19:55:19

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Ryan :
"Are you sure? You don't sound sure"

Klaus :
" I said that I love you for that!" I screamed loud enough for the whole street to hear.

Elias :
"Cool we can make out meanwhile."


#7775 16-12-2014 20:06:24

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Before I could stop him, I saw some of his fangirls who were coming our way suddenly stare at me as if I just committed a felony. "I...I think I should run."

"No no! I love you so much! You're the bestest sister I ever wanted! I just...I want to give you a nickname like 'Niisama' and couldn't find the word."

"I noticed we always do when we're in the kitchen." I said smiling and going over to his side.


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