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#19651 07-10-2016 01:35:33

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Yep sure))

Chris :
I promised Matt that I would help him with his love life and here we were meeting at 8 am in front of Starbucks. "Listen Matty, today you get to follow me around all day long. First I have a early fashion shot rehearsal with 20 models. Then I have a photo shoot with 10 girls, then a fashion meeting with some more. We must find at least one, your standards are low anyways."

Ryan :
"I will have someone trustworthy and capable take care of everything while we're away."

Denise :
"Thanks. I'll be back for the meeting with Dan."

Klaus :
"Like Emma Watson... or Mila Kunis."


#19652 07-10-2016 21:49:58

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I pouted slightly and said, "Aye aye captain."

((I was thinking? Would a year have passed since Di and Elias's wedding? Anniversaries for Leon and Ryan?))

"Alright, my king."

"Emma is super sweet. Oh when Beauty and the Beast comes out we have to see it!"

"You have someone trustworthy?" I asked raising any eyebrow.


#19653 07-10-2016 22:13:19

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((I don't know. Do you want to do some advertising?))

Chris :
"Get in the car." I said giving him my coffee.

Denise :
"I'm going now." I said then left to get Charlie.

Klaus :
"She's playing in that?"

Ryan :
"Yep. I know just the right guy!"


#19654 07-10-2016 22:18:41

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"... Alright. Don't tell me who it is or I'll question it." I declared  after rubbing my forehead for a few seconds.

'Yeah! She's belle!!!"

I got inside. "Don't boss me around."

After working out for a bit and showering, I dropped myself on the couch feeling a bit sore. Why did I have to carry more weights than I'm used? Why Charlie?! Why so stupid? Oh wait ... I know why. Wanna impress Heartley.


#19655 07-10-2016 23:19:39

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((... I'm 100% sure I wrote anniversaries... oh... autocorrect))

Ryan :
"Won't tell you then." I said smiling. "Wanna pack?"

Klaus :
"That's a nice role for her."

Chris :
"Stop crying Matty."

Denise :
I just had someone do a bit of investigations on Heartley's recent locations and found Charlie's place then teleported straight there. "Oh hello there. It's been a while."


#19656 07-10-2016 23:29:03

Registered: 2012
Posts: 49

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((loool. Yeah. I thought it might be fun at some point. Not sure where we are with time that's why I asked. Btw ... I met a Leon in RL))
"No." I said simply crossing my arms. "You pack. I'll watch you." It was a bit of an order, I admit. I wanted to watch her.

Startled, I jumped off the couch and landed behind its back ... not on my feet. Yeah ... very graceful. I stood up and looked at the guy who talked for the first time. "Uh... You're Denise, right?"
Something about him told me he wasn't here to drink tea.

"Yeah it is. Have you ever thought of acting?"

'I'm noooot." I said handing him his coffee as I sat with crossed arms.


#19657 07-10-2016 23:30:27

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

valerieendre wrote:

((loool. Yeah. I thought it might be fun at some point. Not sure where we are with time that's why I asked. Btw ... I met a Leon in RL))
"No." I said simply crossing my arms. "You pack. I'll watch you." It was a bit of an order, I admit. I wanted to watch her.

Startled, I jumped off the couch and landed behind its back ... not on my feet. Yeah ... very graceful. I stood up and looked at the guy who talked for the first time. "Uh... You're Denise, right?"
Something about him told me he wasn't here to drink tea.

"Yeah it is. Have you ever thought of acting?"

'I'm noooot." I said handing him his coffee as I sat with crossed arms.


#19658 07-10-2016 23:43:39

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Lol really? Was he cool and handsome?))

Ryan :
"Ok." I said and got up to go through the closet. I took out a bigger bag then started picking out some comfy nice clothes for both of us. "Do you want this blue sweater or the green one?"

Denise :
"Pretty much." I said and teleported behind him grabbing him by the back oh his shirt and pulling him along. "Move kid. Got Heartley work to do and I don't have the whole day."

Klaus :
"Nope. Not gonna act."

Chris :
"I can't drive with my coffee..." I said and gave it back to him.

Last edited by rukia131 (07-10-2016 23:44:46)


#19659 08-10-2016 00:37:38

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Pretty good looking. A swimmer. Definitely Leon's personality. Was super quiet in the beginning. Just smiled to me. His friend was introducing us and then started teasing him. He glared at him and then was super nice and charming to me. He was super sarcastic at times.))
"What the ... ? No!"

"Blue." I said without thinking.

"Why not?"

I took the coffee begrudgingly from him. "Fine. Drive."


#19660 08-10-2016 03:59:42

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Was there any chemistry? ))

Denise :
"I'm not asking you." I said then teleported and dragged him to the castle.

Ryan :
"Ok the blue one then." I said packing it. "Do you want jeans? Because I only packed really comfy pants."

Klaus :
"I just don't want to. It's not my thing."

Chris :
"I am." I said and started driving to the studio.


#19661 08-10-2016 05:04:39

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Hmmm... I liked him. We hung out quite a bit but I think it's more comfort or friendship))
"Jeans would be hard out there."

"Well... You're a great musician. That's enough anyways"

I pulled my arm from his hold, "What's wrong with you?!"

"You are bossy..."


#19662 08-10-2016 14:38:15

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Oh, that'/ nice))

Ryan :
"Then no jeans. Anything else you really want packed?"

Klaus :
"I don't even wanna think about acting."

Denise :
"You're making this hard for yourself you know...but I just love the blood so it's ok." I said getting my dagger into one hand and a fireball into the other.

Chris :
"And you just realized that now?" I said smiling. "You look pretty good today... I still think that you should cut your hair but..."


#19663 08-10-2016 18:54:25

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"I think that's it. Are the bots coming or staying?"

"Wow that bad?"

((One sec about Charlie. Forgot his bending energy type *ehem*))
"Wait? You're complimenting me. For real? Quick, look around. Pigs might be flying!"


#19664 08-10-2016 19:24:54

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((He's a fire bender as well))

Ryan :
"They're coming of course! We all need to relax a bit."

Klaus :
"Yep. My music is enough."

Chris :
"What an idiot..."


#19665 08-10-2016 20:06:27

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Lol. Poor Charlie. Forgot my little baby's powers.))
I knew he was way stronger but I was fast on my feet. I gathered fire energy into my hands then used them to launch me past him.

"Well, super star. Ready to head home?"

I smirked. Wad the first time I teased him a bit. "Anyways..."

"Good. I... Miss thm." I said not noticing my voice going softer for a bit.


#19666 08-10-2016 22:44:27

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Poor little cutie pie))

Denise :
"Annoying." I said then summoned Kabudl in front of him. "Don't eat him baby we need him alive."

Klaus :
"I don't know, I feel like doing some shopping."

Chris :
"Yeah whatever." I said then drove us to the studio. "Try not to be too creepy."

Ryan :
I slowly moved towards the bed and straddled Leon. "Don't worry love, we will work this out together in no time."


#19667 09-10-2016 01:12:09

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((I was thinking about what Di and Leon would for the anniversaries and found out I have no idea))
I hesitated in case I lost control but eventually gave in and touch her cheek caressing it softly. "If I do lose control ... promise you'll keep yourself and the boys safe."

"I'll try. Not sure if I can promise."

I ran into his pet and fell to the ground. The pet came over and made sure I couldn't get up. "Seriously?! not fair!"

"Shopping? Usually I'm the one in the mood for that and you're not." I said before smiling, "Let's go!"


#19668 09-10-2016 02:49:38

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((I think I know what Ryan would do.))

Ryan :
"You don't have to worry about anything." I said and softly kissed him. "I'll take care of everything."

Chris :
"I don't really want to introduce you to those girls. Some are ok but photography models are way nicer."

Denise :
"I know." I said and just pushed his head down into the ground hard enough for him to lose consciousness.

Klaus :
"I want some warmer clothes. Autumn is getting colder."


#19669 09-10-2016 03:45:41

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((I know Di would wanna surprise Elias somehow since the wedding he arranged was a surprise for her.))
My heart ached slightly as we kissed but I composed myself. "When do you want to leave?"

Before I could say anything more, I was out.

"Yeah it is... Let's go then."

"These are mean?"


#19670 09-10-2016 04:16:04

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Hmmmm Elias is quite happy with anything ))

Ryan :
"After we have lunch." I said caressing his cheek.

Denise :
I dragged him to the castle the just threw him into some cell and actually had Kabudl guard him... not that the kid looked strong enough to escape but you never know what Heartley might try. Anyways after all that I just texted her and waited for her to show up.

Klaus :
"Do you want to drive?"

Chris :
"Some are a bit stuck up and they're all high maintenance."


#19671 09-10-2016 04:51:39

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((yeah he's so easy to make happy actually. I thought Di was like that. But he was easier.))
I woke up not sure how long later and looked around only to find that cat-thingy. "Dear kitty kitty kitty." I tried.

"oh noooo. Enough driving for one week."

"High maintenance?" I couldn't help a chuckle as I got a funny picture in my mind.

"You're not cooking are you?"


#19672 09-10-2016 05:04:55

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((What was the name of the bad guy again?))

Kabudl :
Stupid human... I hope he'll pet me... I got up and moved towards him.

Klaus :
"Ok. I'll drive then." I said then got in the car.

Chris :
"You need to give them a lot of attention and buy them stuff all the time."

Ryan :
"No. I asked the maid to."


#19673 09-10-2016 05:34:03

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Oh. Well I'm rich... But ... Yeah.that won't work."

"Klaus?" I said after a while. "Do you find me too immature?"

"So you have some time?"

I pet him carefully, "Well you're not a meanie."


#19674 09-10-2016 13:11:34

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((Yep, that was it))

Chris :
"Don't let them know that you're rich."

Klaus :
"Nope. Stop questioning yourself. You're a beautiful person."

Ryan :
"For you I have all the time."

Kabudl :
I just purred and moved closer into his arms.

Heartley :
I came to the castle as soon as I've read the text... Denise is such a dirty playing bastard... we've spend almost an hour arguing but I wasn't quite in the position to negotiate. I just had to agree to what he wanted. Well at least he said I could see Charlie so I just headed back to the basement to find him petting Denise's rat in some filthy cell.


#19675 09-10-2016 20:52:09

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Well you're not too bad... Sooo ... how about you help me out of here huh?" I tried before Heartley showed up. I felt ... embarrassed .. Very very very embarrassed. 'Uh...hey..."

I smiled a bit at his comment before saying, "Oh we should try that new store, 'Illusions'"

"Oh I won't. I never do. Elias and you're the only ones that know. And probably Diana because of the honeymoon gift."

"Let's have some time alone then."


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