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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100.
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Got it ? Let's Start!
bloodyemos wrote:
And Disneyworld and a lot of other wonderful places. We'll technically be living in Clearwater but that's a short drive from Tampa and because I have to stay home for some of my college years, I'll be going to S. Florida University which is in Tampa.
Florida sounds nice. :) Don't forget your sunblock though.
Seaworld is fun! Florida sounds wonderful Twin! And it's hot. Summer season all year round ^^ <-- Okay I watched this after uploading and I promised I wouldn't take it down >.< Embrassing. But the voice is working and everything this time (gladly)
Just watched that so cute Angel <3 I like your make up
Guess what else Florida has?!?! HOGWARTS!!!!
Twin. Have I mentioned I love you? You're so pretty!! And i agree with Malu on the make-up. I wish I could meet you in person now.
In all my embarrassment, forgot the number -->95
Last edited by angelfire (06-07-2014 16:04:08)
You're embarrassed?
Ahw! Angel you're so prettiful! :star:
Why are you embarrassed? (You don't have to say)
Though I'm as curious Neriah but also agree
Complements are so hard for me. I mean, I compliment other people, but once people start complimenting me, I don't know how to react. It feels weird. You've seen it before when I post my art and point out ALL the mistakes
Still people love it just as we love you
Who was the best friend you were referring to?
I was making sure lol. I thought it was me.
93 Angel!!! Pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're pretty brave, too! You and bloodsy. I don't feel very comfortable in front of camera. Neither the video nor the still ones. I don't mind my voice being recorded, but I feel terrible in front of a camera.
Even talking in front of a crowd is okay for me. Just not cameras.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (07-07-2014 11:19:09)
I haven't done a vid in a while but I really don't have a camera to do so now either
You have a youtube channel Bloody ?
Yes. KatInsanityAsylum. I haven't done a vid in a year or something. It was a poetry channel more or less. I need a camera to do it again.
Poetry? So like, did you read it in front of a camera, or was it just words on screen?
I would just check, but my internet is deciding to be limited -.-
It's interesting actually
Bloody's vlog . I also really like her cupcake t-shirt .