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Gah! Wished my internet worked, I wanna see the cupcake shirt >3<
How are you, By the way?
Thank you, Rukia. It's me speaking my own poetry that I've wrote, Neriah. There's only 2-3 vids.
My brother cut his finger up pretty good and I, the gonna be doc, passes out after looking at it. I also had a seizure in the process of it. That's new for me.
Oh, that's cool :)
But--Whoa. Was it that bad of a cut? Further more, Are you okay? That sounds serious...
Possible stitches for my brother but dad said it'd be fine without them. Me on the other hand, has a jaw that's screaming bloody murder and some skinned up ankles but other that, I'm fine.
Still thinking to become an OB/GYN, Twin?
Darky (Or anyone who can answer this), I have a question for you. What's the difference between Actionscript 2.0 and 3.0 AND can I use coding for 2.0 in 3.0?
Oh gosh bloody, that sounds like a pretty bad thing to experience. I'm glad you and your brother are fine.
Sorry angel, don't use Actionscript >~< Maybe darky can answer it :?
90 I never used Actionscript personally either, but I heard that 3.0 is much stricter than 2.0, so things that might work in 2.0 might now work in 3.0 without corrections.
Why do you want to use Actionscript, Angel? I can tell you about alternatives.
Yes I am. Dad told me it happened like it did bc of iron deficiency from my lady week (ended couple days ago). I haven't passed out bc of blood before.
Depends on how bad it was.
I want to try my hand at making a dress up game and all the tutorials I've found we're for 2.0.
I also found the full version of Flash professional CS3 but alas, it doesn't work on windows8
How bad what was?
Hey guys do you have any idea why there are so many superstions about mirrors?
@Twin - Your womanhood
I think it's because mirrors are used for magic and illusions. In some religions, mine too, magic is considered to be an awful thing. Black magic really, but it kinda leads to Illusions as well. So I guess from there, people just wanted others to avoid mirrors.
Another theory of mine would be that when you look in the mirror, you find every flaw with yourself because you want to look flawless. Without a mirror, you wouldn't know what's wrong with your hair, or what's on your face. People have become more self-conscious with mirrors so that may also be another reason to avoid them. Mirrors are a symbol of vanity.
Last edited by angelfire (09-07-2014 00:32:47)
Nothing out of the ordinary twin. Heavy to extremely light. It is such a good thing we're all women with this issue. All but Malu I think....
*shrug* Lol ^^
I've never fainted from those times. And looking at how long I've been having really is a surprise. Longest I've had was Nov - Feb. Which was when I had to go to the doctors a lot and get harassed by awful blood sucking nurses who didn't know how to do their job right.
I'm gonna be screwed in FL. Parents want to plan now which means I'll be in Ky for 2 months still and starting my college courses bc dad won't let me drop but I'd transfer and it'd be a waste bc they won't transfer and I'd have to start in high school courses anyway.
I'm screwed with that as it is because FL requires 24 Credits: 4 English and Math, 3 Science and Social Studies, 1 PE and Art, and 8 Electives. I don't know what counts as what though anymore for my school district bc their stuff is all messed up.
What's the list of classes you've taken in Scott? All of them from 9th grade and how long you've taken them semester-wise.
Florida sounds like it has similar requirements to VA.
Last edited by angelfire (09-07-2014 21:37:16)
All my classes and how many credits they account for (I just can't tell whether they'll count certain ones as electives):
8th grade Year:
• Algebra 1-1 credit (Math)
Freshman Year:
• English 1-1 credit (English)
• Geometry-1credit (Math)
• ISS-1 credit (Social Studies)
• Creative Writing-.5credit
• Spanish 1-1credit (Foreign)
• Art-.5credit (Arts)
• Eagles 101-.5credit
• Biology-1credit (Science)
• Intro to Computer-.5credit
• PPT/Excel/Word/Access-.5credit
Sophomore Year:
• English 2-1credit (English)
• Algebra 2-1.5credits (Math)
• Spanish 2-1credit (Foreign)
• World Civ-1credit (Social Studies)
• Chemistry-1.5credits (Science)
• PBS-1.5credits (Elective)
• Health-.5credit
Junior Year:
• English 3-
• Pre-Cal-1.5credit (Math)
• HBS-1.5credit (Elective)
• AP Chem-1.5credit (Science)
• APUSH-1.5credit (Social Studies)
• Peer Tutoring-1credit (Elective)
• Drawing 1-.5credit (Arts)
• Psychology-1credit
• Communications-1credit
(Yes, I typed that up on word last night to figure it out. Freshman year was so hard to remember and the last 2 are college duel credits)
I don't have my transcripts so I can't tell exactly what I earned for what but this is what I believed I earned for each.
Last edited by bloodyemos (09-07-2014 23:25:07)
Counting it all up:
English {3 Credits}:
• English 1-1 credit (English)
• English 2-1credit (English)
• English 3-
Math {4 Credits}:
• Algebra 1-1 credit (Math)
• Geometry-1credit (Math)
• Algebra 2-1.5credits (Math)
• Pre-Cal-1.5credit (Math)
Science {3 Credits}:
• Biology-1credit (Science)
• Chemistry-1.5credits (Science)
• AP Chem-1.5credit (Science)
Social Studies {2 Credits}
• World Civ-1credit (Social Studies)
• APUSH-1.5credit (Social Studies)
P.E {.5 Credit}:
If you took this for one semester (a semester being 2 quarters out of 4), then I would say (.5). But if you took this for the whole year, then it would count as 1
• Health-.5credit
Art {Credits}:
If you took Art for one semester (a semester being 2 quarters out of 4), then I would say (.5). But if you took this for the whole year, then it would count as 1
• Art-.5credit (Arts)
• Drawing 1-.5credit (Arts)
If you took "Creative Writing", "Intro to Computer", and "PPT/Excel/Word/Access" for one semester (a semester being 2 quarters out of 4), then I would say (.5). But if you took this for the whole year, then it would count as 1.
Also, I don't know what ISS is, but it sounds like it would be an elective rather than a S.S credit.
• ISS-1 credit (Social Studies)
• Creative Writing-.5credit
• Intro to Computer-.5credit
• PPT/Excel/Word/Access-.5credit
• Psychology-1credit
• Communications-1credit
We have language as a separate requirement. But if Language is not a requirement for graduating, it would then be an elective.
• Spanish 1-1credit (Foreign)
• Spanish 2-1credit (Foreign)
Not for Credit:
I don't know exactly what these are. But unless the school you'll be going to has these classes, then it would count as anything.
• Eagles 101-.5credit
• PBS-1.5credits (Elective)
• HBS-1.5credit (Elective)
• Peer Tutoring-1credit (Elective)
Last edited by angelfire (10-07-2014 00:55:20)
ISS is Integrated Social Studies. That's the basic Freshman Social Studies class.
The elective stuff is my worry because it would be a waste for me to have taken the class here and it not to have counted there. Also remember Twin, we do things in set of 3's. I don't have semesters. I have trimesters. .5 credits a class for a trimester. The Creative Writing and 2 Computer courses were only for one trimester a piece. This is why I'm screwed because everything here is so messed up that it could be detrimental for me there.
Oh right. This is still just an approximate but this is what most schools would use when converting.
Add the number of credits you got for each class
multiply by 3
dividing by 2 should get you the converted credits
So it would be:
1 + .5 + .5 + .5 + 1 + 1 = 4.5
4.5 x 3 = 13.5
13.5/2 = 6.75 Credits
If you haven't gotten the credits for the others (since I think I did it wrong)
English (without the college dual class):
1 + 1 = 2
2 x 3 = 6
6/2 = 3 Credits
1 + 1 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 5
5 x 3 = 15
15/2 = 7.5 Credits
Social Studies:
1 + 1.5 = 2.5
2.5 x 3 = 7.5
7.5/2 = 3.75 Credits
1 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 4
4 x 3 = 12
12/2 = 6 Credits
.5 = .5
.5 x 3 = 1.5
1.5/2 = .75 Credits
.5 + .5 = 1
1 x 3 = 3
3/2 = 1.5 Credits
1 + 1 = 2
2 x 3 = 6
6/2 = 3 Credits
But see, I don't know. I'll have more to do next year then I originally would (and there was no duel credit English course..)
If the calculations were right, You don't need to take a Math, Science, Social Studies, or Art.
And if they don't have language as a requirement, it would go into your electives making you have enough credits there.
So really you just need 1 english credit (after adding in English 3) and 2 Electives.
I need English and PE. I've never taken a Gym class, only a health one. I still don't want the 2 electives. It's more work than I wanted for my senior year and no, language isn't required for graduation down there.
Last edited by bloodyemos (10-07-2014 16:52:43)
Well then. For electives (adding in the languages) You have 9.75 credits and you don't need more.
But this is only if the school you're going to is going to accept those classes. Hsve you gone to their county website? They should have a list of previous year's classes if not this years, Or it just be Virginia that does that...But yeah.
Even if not the county page, doing some search or even calling them will get you a list of classes they offer so you know what's counted and what's not.
Do you have a name for the new school?