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Sorry, I have my own tests to burn. :3
Could you sharpen my colored pencils for me?
No, I can't because... Uh... *Panics* ...JIRACHI!! :ouf:
Could you get me Harry Styles ?
My phone is broken, so I can't do that >.>
Help me find my glasses?
Last edited by neriah10 (12-11-2014 17:43:44)
But but but... Carrots are not blue! :sad:
Make it snow!
I switched my ice powers for an ice-cream. Mmmm.. choco chips!
Could you help me with my home-work?
Pretty Little Liars is more important. Sorry!
Can you buy me a phone ? (Preferably an Iphone).
The only one I can get you is mine, but it's mine.
Can you pick up milk on the way home? :3
Sorry. Had an accident with lasagna.
The entire scene was sizzling. (what)
Will you go out with me? :3
Well I can't go out because... Because I'm sick.
Will you bring me a glass of water?
i can't. i don't have any glasses. only plastics, googles, bowls and metals :c
can i borrow 5 cents?
I won't because you already had five senses. (hurhur)
Will you sing Soft Kitty to me? owo
No sorry. I don't know what that is...I really don't though :P
Would you please take a nap?
I can't I'm busy being awake.
Would you be a dear and eat this pancake?
What? Are you kidding? I'm allergic to utensils and stickiness.
Watch Adventure Time with me?
Umm no, sorry I'm watching My Little Pony...
Would you please insert the OMD LOL emoji here? -->
I can't because that is nothing but alien-speak to me O.o
Explain Einstein's theory for me?
Whaa..? This is a Magical World Access Machine O.O
Do an impression of The Joker for me?
I don't know how I would pull off an impression of a playing card.
Could you please draw a potato?
I would, but that costs 3 potato and I do not have 3 potato. Only 6 sugar cubes.
Could you help me sneak backstage at a Taylor Swift concert ?
I cant. I have to go to the dry cleaners and pick up my taco.
Will you go to the dry cleaners and pick up my taco for me?
I can't, there's too much spaghetti there.
Won't you sing a song with me?
sorry but my mum says no...
draw a flower for me? pretty please?
NO........ the trees say no.
Can I have this cookie?
No. Thats for the screaming walrus outside.
Will you dance with me?