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am i bored? i guess i am.
and i have a classmate whose name is like one character whose name i forgot :p
Hey Brother
There's an endless road to rediscover~
[ Yum, Neriah! With Ice-Cream!!! ]
:aomd_poule: :aomd_poule:
reading a Drarry fanfic A Black Stone in a Glass Box. Interesting. :3
You know your life is at an all time low when you read *cough cough* ship fanfiction of REAL PEOPLE. I just.... just... ugh.
So Kawaii! I love it! Definitely need to try this out. :)
:bambou: why don't we have a kitty?
:aomd_chat: not a human with cat ears, an actual kitty :c
Keels, Don't remind me.
:ouf: :sad: :pleur:
:bambou: :bambou: :bambou:
That awkward moment when you realize that this guy, Simon, from House MD, a show that aired from 2004-2012...
Is really this guy....
And this guy (Havok, from Xmen)...
Which is really Lucas Till.
*Mind blown*
Last edited by subway1 (23-07-2014 18:23:00)
And I'm crazay but ya like it~
i decided to google "mih" to post some random image here and i figured out it is some brand of jeans. and you're wellcome for the ultra useful information i just gave.
I'll make you crazay~
once upon a time
ocne uopn a tmie
fence moped a team
france moved a tumb
ftrsne mesfd a tdgb
I just kind of want to...
i'm just not sure what it is... hm...
Look at this otter. LOOK AT IT!
Deep! Yet so true!
So just recently got into K-pop...
We all know where my internet usage is going towards now and possibly forever.