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look at how alive this post is again.
i wonder which mod will notice.
43 i bet it'll be rarity :p
For some reason, I thought either Fairykisses, or Cocobelle :3
Rare's been busy so I think it will be Coco
let's see...
Lets not ^^
I was just looking at past parts and omg >.< I miss 2 years ago us. When so many people confiscated the boards
Last edited by angelfire (09-08-2014 04:50:37)
yeah, the boards have been a litle empty lately...
Tis true
SO what's up Dark :3 Haven't talked to you in a whilez
well, i had to go on a field trip this saturday ALL DAY LONG... and i've got some work at the college on mon~fri afternoons and it's killing me! (i did that for the 200 hours bank i need to fill during college) i'm never taking this kind of job again! EVER! x_X
so... thanks to that, i haven't felt like interacting here very much...
but say, angel, how have you been?
Wow that's a lot o.o
What type of work was it?
I'm meh. We're in Australia for one more week and then we'll be going back to the states. We're visiting family here and now everyone's thinking to move here. I have one last year of high school left before college so I want to finish it there rather than in Aussie. The rest of my family is upset with me because of that but oh well.
I haven't gotten any time to myself either because we're staying with our cousins and...they're everywhere.
Plus, no one's really my age here. There is one, but he's a let down to our family and even though I don't mind being around him, the rest of the adults don't want him to "influence" me.
I'm ready to get out of here. I can't wait to find out what my schedule is for next year :3
So here's an update for me:
-There is no way in hell I'm getting money or doing quest or anything now because my brother broke the screen on my laptop to where more than half of the LED's are broke. I have to get it fixed.
-Still looking for a house but we are staying in this area of Kissimmee.
-Been getting kinda depressed lately.
-Dyed my hair purple and electric green. Pics are in the topic for pictures of yourself in the café.
-I. Am. Bored. But get good wifi back at the hotel I love <3 I hated that other one.
Twwwiiiinnnn!! Where do you want the quest?
I already did this recent one before my laptop broke
Okay! Never mind then :3
I'm sorry I haven't been getting money for your alts. I haven't had enough time to do mine either.
it's a model of my region's landscape. :/ we begun to sand it and it makes a lot of powder x_X
wow realy, they don't want you to be near the only relative who is your age and YOU are the mean one? what a crazy family...
It sounds cool though :D
Right though >.> Can't wait to leave. I'll be coming back next year because I'm planning to go to college here but I'll be alone for a year or two before my family comes with. plus I'll be at uni all day and be home at like...night. So I'm okay with it :3