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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100.
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Got it ? Let's Start!
bloodyemos wrote:
Please do so because all wanna squeeze her and wish her the best of luck!
I'll try to call her tonight and let her know.
She must still be squealing right now. :D
Well, I got yelled at for being on the laptop too much. Now I can't get my money nor do any quest when they come up. Twin or Varky, can ya please be of service? Do the quest on any account. Most have the money as it is. I may be awol for days to weeks.
Aw. Try to come back soon?
They stopped selling my favorite candy :((
Family. Family doesn't exist for me. We need their help and every single one of them turned their backs on us.
Last edited by bloodyemos (22-07-2014 03:40:06)
I can't do it. I wish I could but internet is very hard to find here. It's by chance I got it now.
Maybe tomorrow since we'll be staying at the airport all day
I was able to manage today actually
What was it, Rukia?
I had this candy the other day - a lollipop but inside there was bubblegum.
How ya dooing, Bloody? Enjoying the weather?
Got 5 minutes on my brother's kindle. I can do money tonight and after. Except tomorrow. We're flying out Wednesday morning at
Have fun, Angel!
I've been inside playing video games for the last 5 days ... I should really go out.
And I should study.
Thanks malu!
And yes...You should go study. Go on. Shoo. Come back in ammm....1 minute! That should be enough time, no?
Ok I almost finished the first half of the first mortal instruments book . It's a bit different from the others fantasy books I've read.
@Ruki - I still need to read it! I'm playing based solely on the knowledge I know about warlocks and vampires and werewolves. Everything else I learned along the way :D
@Twin - I did the quest on "beautifulmess". I know you had a nursery theme there and Sierra said that there was baby items though I didn't see it. But yeah. That's the one I did it on.
Well I felt like reading it after I saw the movie cuz I liked the main characters . Anyways it was the time I should have started reading a new book .
You know I really can't tell the difference between sorcerer , wizard and warlock . I always thought they were the same thing .
Um..So it's now done on two accounts...I forgot to mention that I find time. I wasn't sure if I would because of how my dad's being...I was wondering who finished my money yesterday when I was in the middle of doing it
85 Good thing I read here. I was about to do it on a third account :P
Oh boy :ouf: