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85 :D Did you see the Cribs in the store? Dia might like those.
I'm giving a virtual cookie to the one that can guess who I'm sketching here XD
First of all, it's lovely.
Second, I think it looks like Val from TMI RP - when we first met her she always wore her black sweater - but you weren't there for that, Ruki so I'm say it's no..
Who is it?
It's very good!
But I feel like a doof, because it rings a bell, I'm just not sure which one...
It's mainly the eyes, they seem increasingly familiar but... I don't have a very good memory... :non:
I should probably just no time to work with it
so pretty, ruki!! I dunno who it is though... she looks familiar but I can't place the name....
How ya doing, bloody? :)
Eh. We may have found a house. Doesn't look the best but it's 5 bedrooms in a great school district (minus the middle school)
That's great, Bloody!
82 Yeeeeah! Hopefully everything works out bloodsy.
RUKIIIIIIIIIIII! You need to teach me!!! So beautiful. Reminds me of someone but seeing that I've been sleep deprived lately, I can't pinpoint her. hmmm....Tell us!!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-07-2014 22:34:09)
Can't talk much but, That's so cool Ruki, I don't know who it is though
Twin, congrats! 5 bedroom houses are hard to find
We're in Australia. Didn't do much but, its only the second day.
Musiam says hi. ^.^
Cool! Hope you enjoy Aussie :D Heard it's a great place and stuff
and Hi Musiam :3
I didn't know there were five bedroom houses...but from my imagination, that sounds super nice
We're going to Orlando now so that house is forgotten bout. We checked it out and it's in a bad neighborhood.
Didn't get much sleep the past days and my family just won't let me rest ... I was so tired that I started crying
I know that feeling Rukia. Try to manage to get some since it's not good for the psyche.
81 good luck bloodsy. Missed you and angel.
get some rest ruki. Take care.
So me and my family are playing Secret Santa right now (I know it's not Christmas but my family awesome that way.) I had to shop for my cousin while she was with me the whole time cause she had to shop for my mom. I thankfully hid everything before she saw it. :D
I miss you all so much but I can barely manage to get on. It's bothering me that I can't get on at all.
Its so weird >.< I feel like I'm getting a slight accent.
Ruki! Get some sleep! I hope you feel better soon :3
Eid Mubarak Malu and Darky! I was going to send you each a pm but I can't get to the computer.
Twin, good luck with everything!
lol Mali! I don't get how people do that. My mom does the exact same thing but I can never tell until she tells me that she's gotten it. You're so talented :3
RARE! Hi :3 i don't even know if you'll see this BUT IF YOU DO...login Australia. So far we've seen only the big garden (can't remember the name but it's the one with the gigantic smooth tree monster) and the WWII memorial
3 days so far (I Think) and I love it so far! I don't want this month to end >.<
I'll see if I can come again soon >.< ack!!! I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCHS!!!
Last edited by angelfire (28-07-2014 12:49:41)
Guten Tag and hello from my summer study camp in Berlin .
Last edited by rukia131 (28-07-2014 13:42:42)
Hello ouo
Ello! :applau:
I've heard study camps are the best way to learn and get confident in a language. Hope you're having fun, Ruki :D
Hi Guys!!
Eid Mubarak, Angel and Darks~
My cousin was surprised when she found out it was me. She thought I was buying for another cousin of mine.
I got some lovely black wedges from my secret friend. :3
3 more days till I go back to Maldives.
75 Thanks a lot girls! You, too!!!!
Malu, this is so awesome. I used to do that with mom. I usually had to order something online though since she'd ask me what I bought and so on.
Anyone heard from Bloodsy?
I don't really talk to bloody much since we don't really get to be online at the same time but yeah haven't heard anything, do you think something happened? :(