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Maybe she'd just busy moving and stuff
OMG Guys!! I just had a mini panic attack just now! I heard there were man-eating snakes in Florida!
OMG! That's horrible! Gah!! I wish I was in Virginia now >.< I could go grab her out of there! DARKY! You're the closest...go save her!!
76 Closest?!!! I'm the farthest!!! I'm sure she's busy with moving and stuff.
And malu that thing was from a year ago and I think it was fake too, so don't worry:P
PYTHONS, Darky!! Pythons!!
*RUN MALU RUN* Take a flight to out here, I promise I'll let you stay in my house.
/EDIT: What if we had a band RP like, people would be grouped into bands and they're idk rival bands or something or maybe in a school?/
Last edited by xemoxrockerx (01-08-2014 07:51:32)
I'm still alive. Nice to see y'all are worried about me. Just been extremely busy. I haven't even had time to really get money. I got through less than half of my dolls today bc of it.
74 Worried?! More like worried sick!
I kinda knew you'd be busy with all the moving and stuff, but...still...
I haven't had time...
Hows this for Diana, Darky:
I know the bangs are a little weird but I thought she looked pretty. I will keep looking too.
74 Pretty!!! But I think too young for Diana?
@bloodsy: I know. Just missed you :) please take care.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (02-08-2014 00:53:04)
Will try. I'm gonna try and join the Elements RP
LOL, don't do Megan Fox.
Last edited by shadowchild3 (02-08-2014 23:07:21)
Aaaah...Weekend of sitting in front of the De-humidifier. Wearing humidity like a three-piece suit with accessories over here (^-^"v )
Did everyone migrate to post till a mod posts? How much did I miss in two days?
TWIN!! Thank God you're okay! I was really worried about you. Like really really really worried.
It's been a week only and we'll be visiting the school over here in Australia. They have elementary, middle, and high all in one so that's cool I think. Everyone wants to stay here except me. I would have been okay with moving if we decided this before school ended but now, no way.
I'm actually dying inside here. I haven't had a moments privacy. We went to the beach yesterday and we couldn't go in the water but there were rocks so I climbed those and got higher and higher until I found this small secluded area. As soon as I sat down, my sister came following I told her that I wanted to be alone for a bit but she took it to mean that I'm just pushing her away and as she's going back, my dad calls me to stay with everyone.
We go back to the parkinglot and there's this small green field filled with awkwardly shaped trees. The adults set up to eat on the benches there and us kids play around. Some are playing tag, I don't run so I don't do it and the rest are just talking to each other. I start climbing a tree and so does my cousin. He starts calling people toward him but everyone goes to me instead. The tree I climbed, everyone starts climbing. For some reason though, no one can. But then 3 of the younger kids end up coming. Two of whom are my own brothers. I ask them to go but again, they take it like I hate them and I'm pushing them away.
We go to another beach and again, can't go in the water but there are even bigger rocks there. I start climbing and EVERYONE climbs after me. I go up a rock and the same sister following before follows me again. I ask her to leave and she starts yelling at me.
We're staying at my uncle's house and we share a room with his two daughters. The house is pretty small and not much to do. I'm not saying I hate it here. But I'd love if I could get alone for a bit.
It's starting to show though. People are asking what's bothering me and it's something I can't tell them.
Good to get that out of my system. I finished the first book of Divergent :D
Yay, you're ok bloody! :)
I feel ya angel, not getting alone time is hard and it's also hard telling people you want to be alone because they think you hate them.... :(
/argh Divergent I have mixed feelings for it./
Sounds like fun. But with long trips, I find myself searching for alone time too. And of course, everyone thinks there's either something wrong with me, or I suddenly hate everyone spontaneously.
Love Divergent. Had to go see the movie after that. I've yet to read the second one though, so favorite is still Four (Character not number)
I'll be out for a while do to the wifi at this new hotel. It sucks so if either of my two fav people have time, money would be nice?
I'll try twin, but most probably not. I haven't been getting my own either. I can do one or two, but not all. which account needs more attention?
The worst part is that I want to cry a little, but tears aren't coming out at night when I want them to. They're coming out when I try to talk to people. I've no clue what to do.
Back in Maldives. Haven't met amary yet but I think I will soon. Met my little sis tho. SToo cute <3
And I'm so glad you're safe bloody!!!
Angel, hug! Maybe talk to your mom on getting some time alone? Oh and have you met Rare yet ????
Honestly twin, my main and Sillydomaine
71 I'm gonna try to do Leonora and beautifulmess with mine whenever I log on too!
Alrighty then, twin!
@Malu *hugs*
My mom wouldn't be able to help with anything really. She's the first person to say that I need to stop looking depressed and be happy around everyone. It's happened before.
I haven't met rare yet and it looks like I won't be meeting her at all.
I was excited to, but how to break it to mom.
She hates this site, she knows about it and disapproves the time I spend on it
she thinks that I shouldn't even be talking to people I have never seen before.
She thinks that this is the most time wasting site ever.
She knows about it, I show her things from time to time and talk about it with her about the different people on here and what we talk about (the random things mind you) but every time I do, she has this hateful look on her.
I don't know if I can ever meet Rare while she's here. I know the Rare wants to study in Texas soon. After I graduate I think we're all moving Australia maybe if she's here I'll meet her.
But twin, going to Germany is still on no matter where I am.
Good Twin. I'd do a surprise meet up with Rare or something. What does your mom think about me? I've talked to her before...believe or not y'all. When Twin and I used to call each other a lot, the phone got handed to one of her brothers and her mom and I had a conversation with each of them lol.