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Whoa, Darky, that sounds epic 0.0
What does that make us then...downers? ._. Not as exciting.
Truth be told, I like both raspberries and strawberries :3 I just randomly picked one
Very poetic darky XD
Nah, neri, it just makes... down to earth. B)
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored. The internet is moving with the speed of a rock. One more week till I get home = all the internet I want
72 lol girls.
I know how that feels Ruki. I went on a roadtrip with a couple friends a year or so back and OMG as much as I enjoyed all the activities we done, all the parties and all the things I've learned, I was soooooooooooo excited to have my beloved internet back :D
71 Internet, like the the mighty larch, is precious and must be preserved for future generations to enjoy.
69 Sorry strawberries, but I have two adorable foals on Poneyvallee with raspberry related names.
merherher!! Come ice come!
Hey what's you're pv name? I feel like I've already asked but yeah ^^
70 Quick heads up: All RPs have been moved to the "Contests and Clubs" section for now in case you missed the announcement :)
Thanks Darky!
So I got my schedule yesterday (it was sent last week but we got all our mail yesterday) and I got a class with this one teacher I'm really scared of so I requested a change nd my cousler said sure wy not and now I have 2 AP classes instead of 3 and Senior Project is at the end of the day and OMG I'M SO HAPPY!!!
YAAAAY!! Good for you Angel!! :D
I wish we coulda done that in my HS, there was this one teacher who I hated so much bc her classes were dull and just I didn't like her teaching style ugh I basically slept in her class. Did not learn anything from her :(
My finals just finished, ahhhh. My first term as a college kid is over and now I'm kinda scared for my grades >o<
Well, if you have a teacher you don't like, normally they wouldn't do anything unless you have a better reason, but I think in your case they should have switched you to another class.
My reason was that the teacher I was supposed to have had was a teacher I had a class with 2 years ago (AP World if anyone remembers) and I almost failed it. He's also the only teacher that ever requested a meet up with my parents cuz of my grades. He's a great teacher, but he probably would have that same expectation of me...
CONGRATS!!! I'm sure you'll do fine ^^
But college sounds scary >.<
yeah, problem is you don't get to switch classes after enrollment and you don't get to know your teacher until after enrollment. Plus a lot of the time one teacher handles all the students in a grade in a subject so even if I switched classes I woulda still have had a her as a teacher.
college isn't as scary as it sounds! promise. tbh the scariest part of college for me was meeting new people and I managed to do that :D
67 Back on the strawberry bandwagon. :D
Angel, you're already on my friends list on PV. Unless it's just a coincidence that you share a name with mmq123, but I don't think that's it.
I'm gonna die of boredom ...really now ... the internet in this area is slowly killing me... and I had lots of anime to watch.
69 can't you read manga for a while instead?
I know the feels ruki u.u I haven't watched anime for a month. I feel so empty >.<
I know where you're coming from, Ruki. Just got a Anime app I can I hardly use because the internet is so slooooooow and hardly works. But, I did watch Free! after like an hour of loading (Totally worth it) Even this page took me three minutes to load -.-
OMG NERI YOU WATCHED FREE! yessssssss!! How was it?
I love it so far! Got to at least the fourth episode before I couldn't stay awake/couldn't wait for it to load. glad I watched it in the middle of the night though, because I was laughing way harder then I should have been... Also, not quite sure why, but though Haru hardly says or does anything (Except swim) I still like him xD
Last edited by neriah10 (31-08-2014 18:19:50)
IKR!!!! He's perfect though :3