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I have a few dolls that completed the first quest in which the mangaka job was offered but not the latest. The Mangaka job has disappeared from the Careers page, which I hadn't noticed until after I changed one of my dolls jobs to level up. I think this is a bug, but if the rewarding of jobs has changed let me know, since I'm not on here much anymore.
I believe there was already a post about this with someone else and that it had been reported to the GM.
So you're not the only one. It also happened on several alts of mine. :/
I think this is happening to everyone who had done the Japan 2014 Quest. Hopefully it'll be solved soon. :)
I have reported this once again.... I will let you all know what the verdict is as soon as I get the answer for it.
I have the mangaka job back on my accts today. Hope this means that the bug is fixed.
same here! i hope this doesn't happen again nor with other jobs x_X
It's moved on mine, it's now currently below the video game developer.