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Last year (I was approaching my 17th birthday) through my parents being tipsy after coming from the pub that we were IVF aka test tube babies. On the second attempt and paying £10,000 me and my twin sister were conceived. It was a big shock and they thought they had told us.
I knew we were born premature by 3 weeks so we were in those tanks and had tubes for breathing and such. And we were delivered by C-section.
Now 18 1/2 years old - AND TOLD THIS TODAY
I knew after being born my mother was ill, but only today did I find out she could have almost died. She was only told when she was having a check up years later that she could have died, she told me that he described it all as "touch and go" - of course it being years ago and her being on morphine and out of it she was unaware. But it was scary to think I could of had no mother.
But luckily all went okay and I'm thankful to all this technology we have. If we didn't I certainly wouldn't be here.
Tough Story, And To Think This Happens To Allot Of Children....Loosing There Mothers .
You Are Very Lucky ! Thank Your Mother Every Day For Delivering Such A Strong Baby Female And Thank God For Allowing Everything To Go Great And No One Having To Pass Away ... Great Story :)
picalilll - That's a lot to digest, but glad everyone's doing OK. Do you wish you had been told this news earlier in life?
laurabow wrote:
picalilll - That's a lot to digest, but glad everyone's doing OK. Do you wish you had been told this news earlier in life?
I'm not angry about not being told it, if anything I can see why they didn't. Not to worry and such. But being the age that I am, at college and high school you cover pregnancy and the different ways of conception aka IVF. When I found out I was an test tube baby, I was learning about it in Philosophy and Ethics classes as well. So it kind of added to making view points and such.
I think being told this now makes more sense, I can understand it better and look at it in a more mature view point. You hear about it happening to other families on the news or online, but when you yourself went through that really does something. I felt sad about it, then scared about WHAT IF?! and then I said to myself that I was lucky that the worse didn't happen and if anything I can use the positive outcome to maybe tell others. :aomd_bravo: