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Alright where do I start. I've been scared of the dark since I was little. I got use to it and just took it as it came. Last year I went to see a movie with my aunt and one of the trailers before the movie start was a horror film. Freaked me out especially because the theater was dark. After that my fear of the dark got even worse. I was already dealing with stuff at the time as well. Now I can't sleep without light in my room. I use my phone, since the light is just bright enough. Now it feels that not even the light of my phone is enough anymore. I freak out of the smallest things. Only thing that can calm me is when I talk to my boyfriend. I can't keep calling him middle of the night if I'm scared or had a scary dream. What can I do to make it better in some way? I'm in my early twenties and it's embarrassing to have a fear of the dark at this age.
Okay first of all, there's no need to be embarrassed of a fear you have, no matter how old you are or how childish the fear is.
I'm not as scared of the dark as you are but I still wouldn't go in a theater without someone holding my hand.
There's got to be something that happened if you're that scared of the dark. Was there an event you're willing to share that occurred which you think may have been the cause of the fear?
I'm not really sure what caused it. I've been scared of the dark since I can remember. I remember when I was around two or three I saw a woman looking into my bedroom smiling at me, wasn't my mother that I know. She also came to my bed. In primary school a different woman sat on my bed and her eyes was red. Eight grade I saw a man in a white cloak. This year when I turned off the light and turned to go to bed a black figure was infront of me. I've always been able to feel things and somethings see strange figures. My mother would never allow me to sleep with my door close and I always got scared because I would see figures with red eyes usually looking at me.
Like I said. There's nothing wrong with being afraid of the dark. Or anything else for that matter.
I would say just work with it.
You could try sleeping with the tv on or with a lamp. No problem with it.
I don't like the dark either.. not scared of it usually anymore. I don't like dark bathrooms, creep me out, probably from playing bloody mary too many times as a kid & now its in the back of my mind shes going to someday show up in the mirror, lol
I have seen things in the dark that weren't there.. but that was because of the combination of medications I was on, causing hallucinations. Do you take any meds?
Also, sometimes if you are really tired or stressed, your brain can trick you into thinking you see things. Or maybe your eyes are adjusting to the dark. Stuff in your room might look like shadows until your eyes can see what it is?
Things that have helped me:
- Sleeping with a pet in my room. They are more alert, especially dogs & tend to notice if there is something actually there. Plus I can blame whatever noise or movement on him!
- Go to bed with a lamp on. At least until you get used to going to sleep without all the anxiety brought on by thinking there's something in the dark. After a while, turn the lamp off or switch to a nightlight. I still use nightlights, not embarrassed at all about it, plus they keep me from bumping into things if I have to get up to use the toilet.
- Go to bed when your ready to sleep. If your brain doesn't seem to want to shut down, I don't try and make myself sleep. That's typically when my brain seems to go in overdrive & I start stressing out about or over thinking things. Read a book or do something to distract yourself until you're really sleepy.
cocobelle wrote:
I still use nightlights, not embarrassed at all about it, plus they keep me from bumping into things if I have to get up to use the toilet.
Same here. It's nice to be able to see where you're going.
Despite being a night owl, I still get creeped out at night sometimes, especially if I hear a sound. (I've got a few stories of my own of weird things I've seen going on, but I don't want to dredge up past memories.) Having a light on somewhere helps with that as well.
Also, an alternative to nightlights and lamps are Christmas lights/String lights/Party lights! Turn a fear into something fun and a new way to decorate your room. A Google search for String Lights gave me Target, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Amazon, so you should be able to find something and not have to wait for Christmas.
laurabow wrote:
Also, an alternative to nightlights and lamps are Christmas lights/String lights/Party lights! Turn a fear into something fun and a new way to decorate your room. A Google search for String Lights gave me Target, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Amazon, so you should be able to find something and not have to wait for Christmas.
Thats a fun idea! :) Some people call them "Fairy Lights" as well. There's tons of cute ones!