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I pat down the pockets of my suit checking my keys and chaining them onto a belt loop. As Im about to leave I stop at the photo of my parents in the living room.
I touch the frame lightly, " Heh, I guess you didn't expect your sons Match Banquet to be this huh? Miss you guys...."
I sigh and blow the picture a kiss before walking out thedoor and heading to the Bamquet.
My parents and I arrived at the banquet. They each gave me a hug before I finally stepped into the place...It was unlike anything I had ever seen. So many colors and ... so lively. Whispering, I said, "Wow...We... We should do this more often."
I hesitantly stepped down from the car nervous to go in. I looked around. I never made friends my own age so I didn't know anyone here. Everyone's outfits were beautiful. This is the day.
I remember things my parents taught me as I approach the Banquet.
I stride in confidently, head up, shoulders back, like I've got all the time in the world. (Lesson 1: Confidence means you look sure enough that no one will question you.)
I whistle a tune to myself as I smile at all the colored lights.
I arrive at the banquet. I look around, searching for Ariana, my best friend. I see her in a red dress and I come to hug her, even though the Society discourages physical contact. We smile at each other and look around at the other girls here. I see a guy in a suit near the entrance (Gabriel). I look to Ariana. "Wow. Do you see that guy ? Ew. What is he wearing ? He must be from the Outer provinces. He can't be Matched -- He looks awful... Come on, let's go see who this loser is." I say, and pull her to the entrance. "Hi," I say to the boy. "Who are you ? Are you new here ?" I've never seen him around so he must be new or anti-social. Pathetic either way.
Last edited by subway1 (01-09-2014 20:54:23)
Every other girl at the banquet looks like they were born in a dress. I don't know how they do it, though my legs weren't exposed, almost my entire back was. I seriously might die. On top of that, this dress was like impossible to sit in, so I was left standing around. I just hope I survive until the end of tonight.
I heard people talking and turned around. Two girls were talking to a guy I hadn't seen before. He...felt different. Something about his eyes. They shone...well...compared to others. I took a cup of some drink and decided to see what they were going to say to one another.
A girl starts talking to me and i give her a once over before faking a smile and tugging at the beanie to makesure the pink strands weren't peeking out.
"Adam." I say, not completely a lie, "New... You could say that."
I walked around aimlessly waiting for the names to be called out. I'd be near the beginning. My heartbeat was racing. Would it be someone I knew or not? I started fiddling with the lace of my dress. I looked around to see if there was anyone else as nervous as I was but everyone looked happy to be there.
He's lying. I know he's lying. Pathetic."You're lying," I say. "About your name. Trust me, I know a lie when I see one. But whatever. Adam suits you anyways." I say. "I'm Cheyenne. This is Ana. So, you've been chosen to be Matched, huh ?" I ask. "Where'd you get that beanie ? The Society doesn't allow head coverings." I smile a little, knowing he'd broken the rules. Unless this was his artifact. But it's not an artifact.
(Hey, can my other character be Mackenzie's best friend ? Like the one I can RP with ?)
Last edited by subway1 (02-09-2014 00:51:40)
(( Of course! A character is anyone and it's easier if they're related to your own ))
(Ok! Great!)
Name: Ariana Kingston
Birthday: March 20th
Age: 16
Province: Central
Class: Citizen
Side: Rising
I found myself saying to her, "Why would it matter where he got the beanie from? It's the one day we're allowed to whatever we want. So, he can do so. It won't be the strangest thing to happen in Match Ceremonies. If anything, he wears it well...he makes it work." I remembered that I was interrupting, "I'm sorry. I...I suppose I shouldn't have interrupted. I couldn't help but overhear you."
Last edited by darkelfqueen (02-09-2014 03:39:06)
I look at the girl who interrupted suddenly, there was an interesting spark in her eye, one that I was fairly familiar with but not with Citizens. Though, the spark fades when she starts to apologize.
"No, it's fine," I say with a smile before turning to the first girl and rolling my eyes, what was her name? Don't remember. Don't really care for those who look down on others, "And anyway, why would you care? At least it suits me, unlike that gaudy crown on your head."
Last edited by xemoxrockerx (02-09-2014 04:42:04)
((Just realized I kind of left Isaac hanging in suspense...whoops))
I grinned to myself then went outside to find Zyanis. She was up in a tree, enjoying a view that only she could see. I sneaked up under the tree "Heeey...Zyaaaaaaanis." I Whispered in sing-song, "Want to go on a little 'walk' with me to central? I've got bombs this time."
Last edited by neriah10 (02-09-2014 05:25:51)
It was like he saw something on my face before smiling and telling me it was okay. Did I have something wrong? I looked at my reflection in the long shiny table and saw nothing... Maybe I just imagined it.
I almost fell as I heard Isaac calling to me. "Hmm. Sure. I'll come watch. Nothing interesting happening anyway." I said as I jumped down, landing on my feet. "Where's your target this time?"
"Shh..." I said holding a finger to my lips. "Surprise, okay?" I put my arm around her and started walking, "How good would you say you look in a dress? Really good? Better yet, do you think you could pass for a 16-year-old?"
I look at the girl who interrupted and she was looking at the table, "See something interesting... ah, what's your name anyway?"
I turned to face him smiling a little, "No. Well... Just wanted to check Felicia. My name is Felicia."
"I'm not 30 Isaac. Still a teenager officially. Though I think I look awful in a dress, but you'd have to be the judge of that." I said smiling. "Want to see?"
"Stay out of this," I say to the girl in purple. I turn to the boy. "It's not a crown, you moron. It's a tiara And I pity the girl who'd be your Match. I bet she'll be mortified when she sees you." I turn back to the girl in purple. "Who are you ? Ooh, what a pretty jewel. I bet your grandmother gave it to you, huh ?" I say, and reach out and touch its smooth, shiny surface.
I raised an eyebrow. She was kinda scaring me. One sec she was telling me to stay out of this and the next she was all sweet to me. "Uh...Yeah...It's my grandma's...Your tiara is, too, I'm assuming?"
I took a step back feeling a bit uneasy with her grabbing the jewel then saying towards Adam, "I honestly think you're going to be fine...You seem like a very nice guy. And you're handsome, too."
She really didn't need to go and talk to him like that. I mean they started off on the wrong foot, but still. We were all nervous and he wasn't bad. Something about his attitude made him feel cheerful.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (02-09-2014 23:03:19)
I snort. "Not a chance. This is mine." I fix my hair. "So, I never got your name. What is it ?"
(Ruki can you make an Ariana icon thingy ? If you don't mind.)
I watched some of these girls fight over something. I mean, it wasn't like raised voices or fists or anything, but from what I could pick up, it was about headwear? Leave it to girls to find something to drama about. I almost laughed out loud. That poor guy caught in the middle of it though. Felt bad for him.
"Duh, of course I do, Zy. Also in a mask, I plan to show up masquerade style." I said, giving her a snide grin.