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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100.
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Got it ? Let's Start!
Twin, that stuff happened just last week. I can't forgive or else I'll trust again.
Oh. Never mind then. Sorry >.<
But you do know it's okay to forgive and not trust right?
Last edited by angelfire (13-10-2014 16:59:28)
I know. I just have a nasty habit of trusting too easily and getting myself hurt.
That means you want to trust someone. I do it a lot too, but not forgiving someone has long term health issues. I can't explain why or how, but it happens. A lot.
I'd rather not right now
Take your time. It takes time. But don't wait forever.
How do you like the RP so far?
Adventurous. Definitely. I can't keep up with everybody though I do try to keep up with a few outside my character. Still attempting on getting the hang of it.
I only read the others when something catches my eye. Like how Leon is about to kill Marie. I wasn't keeping track of that and I've no clue how it got to that point >.<
I'm in that scene and I'm not exactly sure either.
It's pretty bad when the most active players are online and RPing together. I've given up because they started doing the whole arc about 50ish pages back. I'm not reading that much.
Sorry? Lol. That was my issue with DG.
Lolol ^^ I mean there are days when I go on and on, but I dunno. It's one of the many reasons I stopped TMI. Once I start getting lost, I don't want to keep asking for a place to start at. And then I feel like I'm intruding if I try to move a character somewhere.
RP problems ^^
Exactly. I hated doing that to start in this one and I still feel as if my character is intruding.
You do it so well though. Like she was meant to be in there!
You should come to Matched though. Literally it's only been about 8ish hours so far.
What's it about? I want Asylum to start.
So we got candy apples and our bad case of carpenter ants got into them. My only thought was, "Well they're protein." So I may end up eating a couple with my apple. *shrug* Don't know though.
It's based on the book, Matched, and it's a Dystopian trilogy. The US is divided into different regions instead of states. Everyone in the RP is living in Central. The government controls everything from the what the people wear, to when they even die.
There's no diseases whatsoever.
The government sends people to die at the age of 80. Don't know what happens there. There's only 100 of everything (songs, painting, dresses, cars, etc.) and the only choices that people have are the babies they name, the outfit they wear to the Matched Ceremony, and the food they eat on the day they die.
Every child at the age of 16 is to get "matched" with someone chosen by the government. They could be someone they know or someone they don't. At the age of 18, they are given a job also chosen by the government. At the age of 21, the two matched children marry.
Candy apples - never had one. But I don't think eating with possible ant infestation is what I'd do. Also, that's something my dad would say "It's protein"
Yeah no...I don't think of be able to handle that rp
It's not bad and I didn't find one upon the one I was eating but they doesn't mean I didn't eat one
Heh not all rps are for everyone ^^ But I can't wait for Asylum either :3 wouldn't risk it.
Normally I wouldn't have but today I didn't care.
I have to memorize two pages of Hamlet. Gladly though, we don't need to do it in class so it won't be in front of anyone :D
I doubt I could memorize anything, outside that kind that everyone knows from Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare
It's surprisingly easier to understand for me. Memorization is still a pain though
I'm not a fan of old English.
The cats out of the bag in Spirits
I read o.o oh my god that's intense. I hate her parents though. What kind of father just blames a child?
Love your character building skills!