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Yup. Bathing in salt water is not ideal.
132 I can imagine. Any luck yet, Malu?
At least you're getting used to it, malu, hopefully it'll be over soon :<
Ah, nothing much has happened, the typhoon slowed down but now the central/main city might be directly in it's path. Winds are getting stronger and there's some rain in the city. Most of the schools have suspended classes. Electricity's threatening to cut out. Not too bad all in all, we're just on edge.
132 Wow... Keep us posted as much as you can xemo and take lots of care, will ya?!
Amary is over at ma place now! We gon hav fuuun!
My family is doing well. We all hav water and me and my mom have enough for a month or so but the country ain't doing so well. We have to add another 12 mil to our 35 bil debt. The pres is also being bullied. Also the water that was free has become expensive again so strikes are gonna happen soon. The think our country should have a record for the number of strikes that we went on in the past 5 years. It's like a lot. Our 2nd last president had to resign because of it (his bodyguards and the entire military sided against him.)
Be safe emo!!!!
132 OOOH! Say HI to Amary for me!!! And Amary, say hi to Malu for me! :D
Be safe. Everyone.
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