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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100.
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Got it ? Let's Start!
Hope everyone's okay... :)
Yikes! So much distress going on! Stay safe okay!
Why did the talent from the mmo quest already go away? It lasted just a week or so... Last time it lasted more than a month...
133 WAIT? WHAT?!!!
It's 100% definitely not fair.
135 I didn't notice :pleur: :pleur: :pleur:
Oh no wait... It's still here ... Fake alarm :honte:
I think I might have not seen well
137 *sigh of relief* I didn't notice either way. Doing this on the phone is NOT easy :) It's easier than when I was on Android, but it's still not very easy.
I want an OMD app. Like a full fledged one.
I'm a bit sad that I can't do the advent calendar from my phone so I have to go on the computer.
139 Yeah me too! I almost missed it several times. And of course I don't do it on all alts as I don't have time.
But ruki, you gave me a heart attack @.@
Bc I can't do it on mobile is why twin is doing my advent
140 Yeah I wish they'd fix that.
Ikr! But then again, they can't do much with a mobile site.
Wasn't there something with Flash and Apple not working together?
142 Flash and Apple -- I think Android too (to an extent) do not work together. Flash works on Windows Phone however as its allows you choose between two versions of internet explorer (mobile and desktop). Desktop runs it. That's why I kinda can get it on the phone. The only problem is the screen is still pretty small so it's hard to choose the number (I can but it takes me a few tries).
Android is correct. Looked it up for my mom on her kindle fire.
Fun fact: Beebee45, I haven't touched moving anything around on that doll since Christmas last year when somebody had a contest and I entered the room she is in now (that section). I decorated it for holiday spirit and it is still decorated for holiday spirit lol
142 lol. You had a head start, huh bloodsy? I like your enthusiasm. Decorating a year earlier :D
By accident :mdr:
We said hi to each other Darky!
141 I did something for you girls! You'll get a PM later today explaining :D
In Alphabetical order!
Uhhhh sparkling . Can't wait to see what this is for :star:
Neither can I lol
142 Sent all of the PMs!
Gotta go see
142 Yup! Go go go!!