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M: you already got me!
A: I meant the kitten :P
147 lol I know. I already have Malu under my bed.
I WANT TO GO SHOPPING! I don't even have to buy anything (shouldn't buy anything), but stilL!
I kind of feel like shopping too, though I don't know what exactly for...
1000th post! :)
Last edited by neriah10 (09-12-2014 20:49:52)
A: Yay! come shopping with me for my Grinch of a brother's wedding! His fiance`s bloody rich. Also, she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, still haven't decided if I'm gonna be one or not since I won't exactly know any of the other bridesmaids since they are all gonna be Canadians...
148 oooooh! Have you decided what you're gonna wear, Amary?!
Congrats, Neriah!!! Woot woot!
It'll help you be apart of the family though, Amary. I'd take it.
@Varky he was the leader but wants the position no more. I can't piss him off. He likes me too much. I listen and wanna learn, yeah. But he just confuses me. One day he'll be silent, next he'll tell me all his plans for the game. I'm the only one in the while clan who can tell him to "stfu" as he put it when he gets wild
M: Is Malu's eldest son's name Elric? Also, wheres the faanfiction for the TMI RPs?
A: Not yet. She said the color theme's shades of blue for the bridesmaids but for the guests its just partly-formal wear.
Last edited by amaryllis-love (09-12-2014 20:58:47)
149 Bloodsy: That's normal in these kinda games. Especially with guys. They tend to be moody ( and they call us the moody ones, ha!)
Malu: Yup! And here it is:
Amary: I really think you should go!!! Be part of the family like bloodsy said.
M: Oh my god.... Darky you are our MOM! Basically if we lose something you always find it! I LOVE YOU MOM <3
A:... Holy.
149 Lol Malu. I'm flattered....I think :P Amary, I'M OLD!!!!
151 Yup! Everyone else is too young :P
Question:I'll use the quote you and malu posted her on the header, right?
Question: Do you remember your second main character in TMI?
154 My second main character would be: Vincent, followed by Sylvain I believe.
Before I moved forward I thought I'd check first if you like this style or not?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (09-12-2014 21:41:10)
Oh yes! I miss Cami <3
155 ME TOO! I miss Val so much! :pleur: :pleur: :pleur: And Tellis!!! And Silvy!!!!
Wasn't sure if you saw this after I edited it or not:
Before I moved forward I thought I'd check first if you like this style or not?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (09-12-2014 21:43:46)
156 Oh I like it! I love it. :D
What is happening over there anyway?
157 I think Val, Angel and I believe Dia and Leo ran away from the castle to try and attack the council on their own attempting to end the war as it took a huge toll on their families etc. Tellis lost consciousness during his wedding to Susie when he saw Malu. And Ruki and Neri created new chars and we were talking to them.
Awesome! Need to make sure you like it before I move on :D
Woah. Okay.
I definitely like it!
158 That was ages ago. We haven't posted there for MONTHS. Been posting in SoE
Malu wants to bring it back though.
160 I want to, too!
I want a proper closure for it. Like, I think all of us want a proper send-off for it.. I mean, it's probably for the best that we give this ending a shot, right?
M: Maybe we should deal with the situation we have going on now over there; kill the villains, set Malu free, give everyone what the want and/or happy/sad ending?
162 I mean ... a proper ending is good, but ... I love those character and I don't want its thread to be closed or deleted, you know.
Besides let's not forget we don't own that RP.
What I always thought is we'd give it an ending and start a new season at some point say ... 1000 years later or something futuristic.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (09-12-2014 22:15:12)
I haven't thought about that RP in forever. I think I drew my character a few months back though...I don't know what i did with it... >x(
Sorry for randomly disappearing, I was having tech issues...