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Street room keeps transferring from one tab to another. It does this on all tabs. I cleared my cache and cookies, so that's not it. Using Firefox. Not too big of a deal, but it does get in the way of some of the other room links.
Update: Now the Garden room is doing it too.
Last edited by swiftwind20 (12-12-2014 02:31:27)
same. But not exactly transferring. I'd say it's more stuck.
If you look at it in the "Loft" Tab, then change the tabs to another, the garden and street boxes will be in the exact same place on the other tabs.
I don't have the street but that's occuring anyway.
It happened to me too. My garden and streem rooms are just everywhere. I'll add screenshots soon.
Edit: the screenshots are done. I noticed another square around the garden + street rooms in the Loft panel. The rooms appear at every panel. I only took a screenshot about the Villa panel.
Why are there so many bugs with the rooms lately? :(
Last edited by queyd (12-12-2014 09:33:44)
Reported this bug. Thanks!
Just gave a reminder about this bug that is still here. :bisous:
Appears to be fixed.
Yay!! Closing topic.