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Wow, bloody, that... seems like it'd be troublesome :| Is it really bad though? I hope you're not throwing up or anything.
When I feel bad I put my cat on my stomach. Try it bloody.
No we didn't. Anyone volunteers as tribute?
It's sharp piercing pain in the abdominal and lower back region.
Varky, Fel's pic?
I know Fel is befriending one or Neri's. I have everything set for my characters but Fel's pic and when we're starting.
89 awww Ruki! I want to try that!!!
And sure, let's make Eva her friend.
Here ya go bloodsy
Thank you!
Since the Siren part is hereditary, can Fel get it?
89 I think so yeah! Aury will never get it. Eva is not biological so it'd make sense!
Exactly what I was thinking. I forgot Eva wasn't biological :ouf: That's good parent king skills XD
89 lol. I sometimes forget too. Especially that she looks like Val!!
Remember when we were choosing whether Fel would have blonde or black hair?
Yeah we really picking apart how Fel would look lol
89 yeah lol. It's funny that non of the biological kids have blonde hair.
Nope. They got their daddy's hair lol
89 Yeah blame it on Mattie for being too hot for his own good :D
Wanna start the RP? I mean with Eva and Fel? And aury?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (18-12-2014 18:13:01)
We can. You can go ahead and start it
89 As you can see, I did and you replied! Welcoem to Season II!
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