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@Neri - Yup!
Alrighty. Thanks Darky!
Yup, that's the one I was talking about :mdr: Aaah he's my favorite high functioning sociopath :)
Cumberbatch is my fav actor ^^ he does sherlock so flawlessly <33
You can start Kywan and Rusha off however you'd like
How's this for Kawyn? I kinda want to do something eccentric with her hair. It's a bit too flat for my taste.
Last edited by angelfire (19-12-2014 03:17:37)
I agree with the hair. The outfit is amazing though. You're getting way better at drawing people! <3
91 I can second that :bisous: Seriously like the new style :)
You got a lot better Angel! Good job!
I'm making some natural face scrubs and masks (and a very big mess)
93 Lol Sounds like fun!
I was freeing space on my hard drive.
My family and I made reindeer this morning. It looked like the construction paper dumped all their scraps in my dining room.
Wow...Thank you guys <333
Now if I can only draw people in action....
Twin, I sent you a pm.
Wow, that's great Angel! Nice perspective on it too :) That was late, I know...
Also, have you tried the infamous "Line of Action"? I just recently started using it, it's been helping me tons.
Thanks Neri
I've tried the line of action But when I do, I can't get proportions right. I stil need a bit more practice with it.
I can't do people so...
People are like the most difficult form to represent on paper in my opinion xD But then...I can draw people, but I can't draw animals or everyday devices :\
Hmmm...are you also using a Cylinder, Cube, Sphere method? But yeah practice makes perfect :)
My people look deformed and bleck. I stick to animals and the everyday objects :mdr:
None. I do it free form. I used to use circles though.
I can't draw animals or objects, so you got me there twin ^^
Gotcha, I have a love for free form too. I really only use the shapes when I use the infamous "Line of Action" or something I'm almost positive I can't do xD
Last edited by neriah10 (20-12-2014 04:20:41)
I can draw hands? Super realistic hands. Bout as close as I get.
Can't draw hands either ^^ They either get to big or too small or look like sausages connected to a big round thing. :P
91 (is that a 90 angel? Cuz my phones screen is weird)
Anyway, I think im gonna make Cathy a runaway angel. From the evil and the good. Also, Gosh im knackered after a day of shoppin and good food ♥
Also, hello my lovelies!! I missed you all. SO MUCH
Morning my veggies! (I just thought if Amary can use lovelies then I can use veggies.)
Watcha'll doooooooin today?
Lolol, Malu. Can I be your broccoli? I don't like mushrooms in case that's what you think I am. I have a test on tuesday but my teacher isn't going to be there since he has a shoulder surgery that day so I have to get everything in by Monday. What about you?
Yeah it was a 90 amary ^^ Missed you much! How's it going?
I'm headed to library for some books, mainly on the human body and Wicca)
Watcha need that for bloodsy? O.o
Ive been doin good! Got all the wedding stuff. Only like 4 days to goooo. I feel as if I'm getting married instead of them.