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Lol you will one day
I'm studying the human body for college. Wicca is a personal study. I want to believing in something and it's always interested me so I'm seeing what they're about and the different types of Wiccans, etc.
Oo nice!
Hey twin, do you want Kawyn and Rusha to get along or no?
My brother had an ebook about them.. I had a look through them and it scared the living daylights outta me.
I felt that way because I had an anxiety attack about it today that I started stress eating for like a few minutes.. and then I remembered I wasn't the one getting married and I was sooo relieved.
Twin, I don't mind either way.
I like dark stuff *shrug*
Mee too! Freshman and Sophomore year, All I read were nonfiction boks about witches and wiccans :3
I could only find one. It's on witchcraft after Salem.
Nothing more? I'd think there'd be more books.
They either:
1) don't have it
2) it's checked out
3) it's on hold
But there isn't many. Only a handful.
Wow. How was the library though? Big or small?
Really small. They don't have a lot. :/
Anyone read The Bane Chronicles? I wanna start reading that after I finish City of Heavenly Fire. It sounds pretty fun.
Last edited by rukia131 (21-12-2014 16:59:01)
I haven't even read any TMI book yet u.u
I'm going for a picnic, don't know when we'll be back
Last edited by angelfire (21-12-2014 18:35:31)
We have Amarys older bros wedding on thurs. We got face packs and stufff and we r actually acting the bride more than the actual bride herself.
@Ruki No but I want too!!!! I can't find them :(
So things with Caije are interesting right now though I can't explain on here.
Lol malu ^^ Have fun!!
Gah!! I want to know!! Send me a text at this number:
(202) 697-6544
It's the "TextNow" number since I don't have anything else. I don't think Kik works outside of apps else that'd been a better choice.
Kik is just an app
Everything I do now is on the computer. I love Kik though
92 :love:
Nice way to upset me Caije. I applaud him. *rolls eyes* My relationship is soap opera.
Last edited by bloodyemos (21-12-2014 23:05:59)
I'm worried. My friend hasn't IMed me in weeks.
93 I am engaged Angel. Just that the wedding is a loooong way away. Prolly take another two years.
I hope everything's ok Bloody and Angel.
Last edited by amaryllis-love (22-12-2014 06:18:31)
Everything's depressing lol