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Sadly I couldn't because it was in a team building something project.
165 oh that sucks :( Wish you could.
He wasn't meant to be there. A girl invited him after we already got everything set. I will most probably drop out. It's kind of useless and I have a short movie to make for a contest.
167 Yeah It sounds like it. What's the short movie about?
It has to be about theft. We are making it about stealing personal data and Internet privacy.
169 oh interesting!! I had to do a similar paper about two years ago. Interesting topic!
Wow wow wow... Can you send me a bit of it if you still have it?
171 Yeah! I'm trying to find it or its draft or anything! Wish me luck since I clean that stuff out after the semester is over. But I have a feeling I might have some of it in one of my emails as it was a group paper.
Oh! Wait! I found a small paper thingy but it's not as old. It's the Google Case in Europe. not sure if you're following it! Want it?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (30-01-2015 21:26:31)
Yea sure!
173 one min. Trying to find the full one not the snippet i found :D I'm trying to find it in my email.
Take your time XD
175 *sigh* I couldn't find the actual thing, but I found the reference list I used. Would that be helpful?
Yes. Anything would help! Thank you Darky.
*Sent biblio*
Last edited by darkelfqueen (30-01-2015 22:24:16)
Hello!! It's Friday. I don't know if that's good or bad
I guess it's good cuz I can finally sleep but then again...I turn 18 on Sunday....
I'm on season 3, Episode 12 right now :3
Done Darky!
Great Angel! Just a bit more!
I still have 4 months until my birthday.
Last edited by rukia131 (30-01-2015 22:20:53)
179 Are you gonna be able to be online Angel???
Ruki, I didn't know your birthday! Now I kinda at least know the month :D
Also, i'm gonna ask my brother latery today about a video he showed me related to the topic and will PM it to you!
No that's bad...I have no desire to turn 18. Nothing to look forward to either. Just more responsibility which translates to more stress
180 Not treally :) I thought it would but it doesn't matter. Look at the postivie! You're now an adult!!
It's actually 4 months and a bit. My birthday it's in June.
I only wanna turn 18 because I want my driving license!
Thank you Darky!
181 I just liked the number so I want to turn it :P
With great pleasure ruki!
You know guys I never went on a date. It's a bit weird all of my friends did, a lot.
183 I didn't per se. Like a one on one thing. I do it with my family kinda. Like I'd meet another guy who happens to have a parent who's a friend of my parents and you know we'd meet and talk a lot and hang out sometimes with friends and sometimes with family. It's kinda weird in a way :D
I also kinda hang out with guys a lot due to being one of very girls in my major :P so it's not date date but...
Lol CS guys here I come XDDDD actually I never kissed anyone
Love how the day I'm busy this is active.