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Dakry did you ask if I'm gonna be online on my b-day or just today?
I kinda took a nap after posting that and woke up at like 9ish...
Guess who won't be able to sleep tonight :D
Lol twin, same :3
@Ruki - Well I can't date so I'm with you there. Strangely enough though, all my friends have come to me for dating advice and I'm just like amm...I don't think I'm the most qualified for this
lol I just throw my opinions in there all the time XD
I'm happily taken for the last 15 months
That's awesome Bloody.
I'll start taking singing classes next week XD and then guitar (again)
Last edited by rukia131 (31-01-2015 14:16:53)
186 Angel, on Sunday!
Ruki, that's so awesome!!!
I'm working on my Spanish
Darky... I'm imagining your hair is brown and long and your eyes green... Am I close?
187 @bloodsy: Spanish is going to be very useful for your major right?
@ruki: Noooope. I have long black hair (my friends actually say it's kinda darker than most black hair -- which I find stupid as black is black) and brown eyes :)
Ehhhh i was kind of wrong there.
189 Well you got the dark hair right! Different shade by dark :)
straight or curly? Maybe wavy...
191 Wavy is right. Sometimes straight.
By the way girls, I ddi not forget the things I promised to make you. I just haven't had a chance at the PC lately. As soon as I am on it, I promise to make them.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (31-01-2015 15:32:42)
Don't worry. No need to rush.
Guys who are your celebrity crushes?
Last edited by rukia131 (31-01-2015 15:39:29)
193 Ooooh! I've always had a crush on:
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Orlando Bloom
- Armin Van Buuren
The first two are like the cheesiest I know :P
OOH! And Eric Saade!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (31-01-2015 15:45:07)
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