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Well, I know nothing of that Darky, Sorry :\
Oh, and Malu, this is late, but those flowers and centerpiece were gorgeous :)
I feel a divorce coming on..
Maybe I can help? Watcha need, Darky?
Why Bloody? We just started planning le wedding. D:
Yo Neri <3
My parents. Things are so far gone.
Oh twin :(
@Darky - What do you mean find out where things are? Like the items in stores?
If so, I have a topic in the Discussions indicating where some items are (sets to make them really)
you could use that as a start
I'll probably go back north and live with my grandmother long enough to move in with a friend awaiting Caije
109 Well...Things might turn out well. I really do hope so. Virtual hug?
I need it. Dad pleaded with me this morning not to. Mom made him realize last night that I am 18 and make my own decisions.
109 if he's pleading you then there's hope. Don't leave. Don't tell them yet though. I think?
Either case ... One Huge Virtual huuuuug for my little sis.
You don't know what's going on that makes it so hard to believe. I need to e-mail you. Plus mom already said I could and she knows I want to and so does dad.
109 Don't leave. If you do, I believe it will make things worse.
Email me then? I'm having problems accessing it from my phone so most probably I won't be able to see it till tonight when I reset my password and sync it with my phone.
I just sent an e-mail.
Leaving would be for myself. So that I don't break down and revert to who I was a couple years ago.
109 I wish I could be of help in person. For some reason though, I feel if you leave it'd be bad for you. Would widen the distances. And would be more severe on your nerves and emotions. It'd also allow more time for thinking which in case is bad.
Revert to cutting and whatnot bc I hold in pain and help everybody before myself or leave and hear about what's going on while I stay with Morgan till Caije can get
109 You have to be very careful. Do you trust Morgan enough to stay with her long enough? Does she live with her family? How long can you stay?
Her mother, Lisa, wouldn't care if I stayed. They offered before. I know Morgan well.
Hugs to you from me as well. I dunno the details but so far it sounds like your dad wants to try to work it out. I would say wait a few months to see what happens. Remember, you also have little children looking up to you. If things get really bad for you, then I would say it's better to leave.
Plus leaving home will be a decision I have to make eventually
109 eventually. Don't do it too soon though. Give some time and deep though. As much as you can.
I am. I'm weighing pros and cons, outcomes, promises, etcetera. I'm weighing everything.
109 Good :) I just don't want you to make a decision you might regret. I really want you to be happy.
I know. I'm trying. Both are completely different outcomes and completely different lives
Good luck twin! Keep us updated, okay? It's a big decision and I don't know how well it'll work for you but your mom sounds open to it. I would suggest talking to both of them at the same time too.
Neither wants me to go but neither will stop me.
109 I say think about staying. of course I have yet to look at the email you sent to know all the circumstances. I contacted the support to help me get access again.