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122 You know Ruki? THere're several universities in Germant actually teach in Englih and not in German.
Angel, it's totally fine! The whole point is to help you with time not to take from homework time. It's better to do it over the weekend anyway.
Yeah I know that but the university here is pretty good too, and the only better universities that I want to go to only teach in German.
Hey Bloody!
Last edited by rukia131 (30-01-2015 14:59:23)
123 What if you enroll in the university where you live and do a visiting student thing to Germany to try out? That way if you find out its too hard/not working, you can go back and not have to redo courses?
The study systems are quite different but you're right Darky! I could try that!
125 Yay! I was helpfuL!!! Wise Darky strikes again :D lol, I'm not wise. i just had to look into this when I switched systems :P
Did you get your email back? I spend like 5 hours on Monday trying to recover mine TT.TT
127 Nope. I'm starting to think I should ignore it. I feel like someone has hacked it and even if I get it back, I won't feel very safe. Microsoft could help me, but ... I dunno...
Which email are you using? Hotmail? Gmail? Yahoo and Gmail tend to be harder to fix if I remember correctly.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (30-01-2015 15:45:59)
I use both Yahoo and Gmail.
I lost a yahoo account a long while ago but somehow successfully moved all my registered accounts on other sites to another email.
The gmail account is the one I lost this week and sadly I never noticed that the set recovery email address was the old lost yahoo one... So to get back my gmail account I had to answer the hardest questions ever... Like when did you create the account? Or when was the last time you logged in?... I don't even know how I managed to get them right.
129 wow! Those are the hardest! I never remember them -- unless they're on my work/professional email since that I use every single day.
I don't use email too much. I use it mostly for news and stuff like that. I mostly text when I wanna talk to someone.
131 I don't text. Like ever. I actually ended up just taking that away from my service because of that. I talk on the phone or email.
Wait...I just realized something! You wanna go into CS?! YAY!!! join me and Xemo!
Yep! How old it's Xemo I always forget?
133 I believe 18...i think?
I seeeeee. So you're the oldest Darky? XD
135 Yuuuuup. Seriously girls! Not by much!
True. Next week we have a short break. I'll go stay with my grandmother ... Where the Internet is veeeeery bad.
137 Good: Time off and grandma!
Bad: We're not gonna see you as often?
Yep I can still go on OMD I just can't really watch YouTube or play online games.
139 ouch. yeah. That sucks. Then again, maybe it's good? i mean taking a break from internet surfing for a while?
Yeah I have a lot of homework a to do anyways XD ... And I can finally watch Supernatural.
142 iloooooove! Missed you woman!!!
Ruki, did you watch Dr. Who?
I missed you too! whats up?
142 Nothing much! Normal stuff. Classes. Work :D You?