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Bloody --- I'm wishing you luck. I don't know anything about applying for jobs, so sorry I can't say anything helpful. :ouf:
And now for random bits of news
The Japanese book I got does have some useful phrases in it, but most of it's just how to say horrible things, which is great for when I bump into people who don't know the language and I strongly dislike. Heheh... also it was published like 15-20 years ago so it might be a little outdated.
A few weeks ago I said I wanted to learn how to make animations, and the other night my brother asked me if I wanted to try doing animations for a video game he and his friends are supposedly making. Obviously I'd do this after I learn and get comfortable making them. I said yeah, but was a little hesitant; he can be a pain to work with when I have to do something artistic for him.
Also a couple years ago my best friend moved away, and now she's moving back into town. c: So excitedddddddd biggest news for last. :gai:
LOL! Ice ^^ That's a brilliant use of the book :D
And that's exciting! You have amazing artistic skills I'm sure you'll do fine
Good luck Twin!! If you put in 8 I'm sure you'll get at least one :3 Glad you have a charger. I've been missing a lot of days on here so I haven't been getting money >.< I'm sorry
I just came back from the last Guard practice of the season. I think we'll do well in the competition this week on Saturday. Not 1st place material but not last either ^^
Quest is what I care for most tbh lol
I's just...things are incredibly hard
Want me to do it for any of your accounts or you got it?
Well look at this way, you have more stories than ever to tell people :3 No but seriously. Wait a little longer and keep applying. You can't get accepted at the place you need to be at without getting rejected at the places you don't need to be at.
Yes please
I got hired on to McDonalds crew today!
154 Is it just me or did the numbers stop?)
:aomd_bravo: :good: :fete:
Congrats, Bloody! Super happy for you! :)
Thank you!
They stopped and I was too lazy to look do I followed suite :ouf:
154 Congrats bloodsy!!!!!!!
Thank you
Next obstacle, electric gets shut off today and not a soul (church, organization, program, individual, etc) will not help my family and I.
Congrats twin!!
Do you want the quest done on a certain account or any? I was going to do it on orangeblossom for you
Even the church won't help? or they will?
Last edited by angelfire (13-03-2015 20:11:55)
And orangeblossoms is alright
ooooohmygod I just realized I was the one who forgot to say the next number. Oops. :intr:
^^ It's alright ice. We were all too lazy to fix it :P
Twin, I'm on the last step. Do you want me to do the model ending or the non model ending. Both endings get the room
Whichever side has the most beautiful dresses on it.
Edit: Duece and Gabin side
Last edited by bloodyemos (14-03-2015 16:10:10)
I'll do it when I get back home. At a guard comp right now and mum have me her phone ^^
Btw, twin I don't know if you saw, but I redrew kawyn and posted the pic in my drawings post ;)
I did not see yet gonna go look
153 Good morning girls. Missed you two so much.
Thank God for this quest (and the fact I had enough money), I'm done with my loft after 4 years of being here!!!
Missed you too Darky!!! How've you been?
And twin I saw your post on the other post, you sure it's to your liking? If there is anything you want me to change or edit, let me know so I can. But thank you :3
155 Love your loft, Angel!!! Like really love!!
I'm alright. A bit busy but a good kind of busy. Tutoring and mentoring this semester so that's taking a bit too much time.
Yay! Thanks darky :3
Tutoring sounds exciting, what subject(s)?
I found this game, MU Complex. It's really hard but really fun :star:
I start my job tomorrow. Working at Mickey D's.
Not a thing. She's perfect!
You guys made me curious so I had to check. Your loft does look nice angel!. :love:
I'm sad. :pleur: I finished watching my new favorite anime. I really like it and wish there were more episodes, but there aren't. Maybe someday I'll read the manga it's based off of, If I can find a copy of the first book for sale.
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