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Lol same! An essay and math problems >.>
Although I *ahem* still haven't done either
Just kiddin'.
I told myself I'd write a little more and finish a character drawing--Pffff, that didn't happen, more like I listened to a whole bunch of music and played some games, though I did do all my 'homework' semi-completely :ouf: Now, I'm wasting time watching Doctor Who.
I'm on clash of clans all the time >.>
Yeah well...what the two of you were doing was waay better than what I was doing.
I'm reading Fifty Shades of Grey...And my god...I swear, I will never borrow this book from the library as long as I live. My friend succumbed me into reading it...Everyone's so upset with the book I was curious too and I have to's really good.
Yeah, I heard from a librarian or two about that book >.> Also from my girl scout leader but yeah... Also hear a movie for it was coming out? I keep getting random tracks from the soundtrack on iHeart radio.
Oh, and bloody, my sister loves that game, though I don't understand it at all xD
I still don't know how exactly they're going to make a movie out of this book. It's very level....
Yeah, I don't know...I've heard it has a decent storyline but...I'm not sure how it could be a visual movie thing. But, I don't know what it's rated or anything so maybe...
Just looked it up, It's rated R...But I can watch it now ^^ so maybe...
Kind of thought it was. But whoo, privileges of being older! Though personally, I don't have the stomach for rated R movies. Like either it's super scary, or just...yeah :3
Lol me neither. Of course rated R scary movies are a definite no for me ^^
It's R for sex, not scary. I personally liked the series (still need to read the last book >.> )
What do you guys usually look at on YouTube?
100 I like game walkthroughs. PT, Escapists. I like Jordan Underneath, Cutiepiemarzia (for like fashion, girly stuff), sometimes Pewdiepie. Too cute (when I want something cute and relaxing).
Last edited by darkelfqueen (02-02-2015 13:03:23)
It's very cold here TT.TT (day 3/8 at granny )
102 oh you're there already?! It's actually pretty weird here. Sometimes it gets too cold, then too warm, then lots of rain.. Then fog!
It rained yesterday. Now It's just very cloudy. I got an awesome app called Grumpy Weather. It's funny XD
104 oh what does it do?
It tells you how the weather is in a ... very grumpy way XD
This summer is the first time me and my friends are allowed to go to a music festival in another city alone. We are all very excited.
106 oh cool!! Any big bands?
Sorry I disappeared. Suddenly felt sick for some reason.
No problem I hope you feel better
Avicii, David Guetta and Tinie Tempah confirmed so far.
108 OHMYGOD!!! I wanna go too now! I like David Guetta!
We'll have a OneRepublic concert in June too which is great. We usually only have cool events in the summer.
110 One republic too?! In my old city, we used to have concerts all the time. Here it's like random times.
I really want an All Time Low concert but I don't think they'll ever come here.
I haven't been to a concert in years. Music is all I look up on YouTube. It's warm 70's recently with a slight chill.