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Happy Birthday to someone we all love, Angelfire!!!!
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Birthday, Angel!
Angel is like the little sis I never had! She's sweet, pretty, caring, smart and very very talented! She's actually an inspiration for me to keep practicing my art because of when I see how amazing she's getting with her art!
Happy Birthday, little sis!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (01-02-2015 17:01:03)
Omigosh really?? That is quite honostly the most amazing thing anyone has ever said about me.
Oh god I wish I was with you so I could give the biggest hug ever!!
I love you darky <3 thank you!! You've just made my day, tenfold
Happy b-day Angel! :fete:
Haven't really known you for super long or anything, but you're always really nice, try to treat everyone fairly and respect everyone's differences, you're fantastic at editing things and stuff, extremely patient (way more then me), Aaaand you're pretty much amazing :applau: Keep being you, Angel :)
It's my twins birthday! Wait..does this mean it's my birthday too? Omg! Cake for me lol but seriously...
I hope you have an amazing day twin. Stay hidden from the pranks your family puts on you lol
I've known you for a couple years now. We are so alike yet so different. If I had a twin, she'd be like you! :D
meep >.< I love you guys so much! I can't think of spending any of my time without you all. Thank you so much for always being there for me!!
Happy Birthday Angel!
You are one of the nicest ans sweetest persons ever! And you always try to do right thing and not upset others! Honestly you are just toooo sweet
Hope you get the best day ever! (lol if I'm not extremely late and it's already ...late XD)
am i late to say happy birthday?
i'll try to wish people happy birthday this year (sorry if i already missed someone)
:aomd_bravo: happy birthday!