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That sucks, Bloody :( is it sore, or is it just hurting?
Hurts. My nails have skin pulled on the sides and burned one with the oil
Thats bad. Was today the first day?
155 Wow bloodsy! Is there anything you can do to help them not get hurt again? :(
Today was day 4. I did fries last 2 days and no there isn't anything really. I worked back cash today which is injury free
So you don't get gloves or anything? OUCH. But at least today was injury free :)
GOT INTO ANOTHER COLLEGE! Moore which was my third choice! But it's in Pennsylvania But hey gave me a $15,000 scholarship. But it's an all girl's school. But it's up north so more chance of snow. But it's too far and I don't drive and I don't know the public transportation system there. BUT it's such a cool place. But it's really expensive, $1300 per credit class...
It's good you got placed away from the friers. But yeah, like neri said, you should wear gloves.
Last edited by angelfire (29-03-2015 20:49:31)
Decisions decisions twin lol
They're latex gloves. What's it gonna stop? They'll melt
Maybe try oven mitts if they're not too bulky?
They don't have those nor are allowed. Fire hazard bc it's a dry cloth
Lol yes. But I also got rejected from my top choice. Although I knew that was going to happen anyway cuz of my grades.
But latex is okay? There are a lot of people allergic to them...
I found these gloves on Amazon but they're $20. You may be able to find cheaper ones someplace else. They're called oil guard.
I'm surprised they don't have any other protection though.
They don't and it's not like I'll be on friers everyday, I need to learn to be more careful
Mmm...yeah, my first couple of days at my job I hurt myself :/ Experience though.
I have mystery injuries now -_-
You'll find ways around it. What's mystery injuries? Sounds...mystical :mdr:
Injuries that popped up like the nasty bruise on my arm
148 RARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dropping I'm for a quick bit. I kinda broke my computer where the charger is supposed to go so my dad's gonna take to the shop with him in Saudia where he can get fixed for a cheaper price. It'lol be two weeks till I can get it back so till then, I have the iPad. I'll drop in now and again but I was hoping someone could get money on this account for me
:magic: please
Oooh, yeah, when the question of "What shall I do without my computer?" Comes up, I'd usually say, "Not much." If I was even capable of speech and not just rolling around on the floor.
Hope it gets fixed :)
146 I got food poisoning from brunch at my grandmother's house on Easter. It was so horribllllllleeeeee but I feel better now.
147 Glad you're feeling better ice! I HATE food poisoning. Makes me feel weak for days.
Angel, I missed you and bloodsy so much. I wish I could help but I missed collecting my own money for the last three days. Board is great on the phone, but the game so-so. I sometimes manage to collect my main's money but the site is super slow on mobile :(