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There is a "duplication" bug in the "buy" items for Level 4 of this quest.
Currently, the garment rack choices consist of (2) pink frames, (1) white frame, and (3) blue frames (one of which is a duplicate):
The missing (and correct) garment rack should be the white frame, option #2 (92886.png):
While I don't foresee using this item in any color... if I have to spend $15 on an item I don't want, I'd like it to at least be in colors I prefer :P I hope this little bug can be fixed in a timely manner, as the quest does end soon!
Thank you in advance for your help :norm:
Sending this to the GM right now, thanks for reporting this!
Sadly this won't be fixed, the GM says that she did report it the day the quest came out but nothing was done. :intr: