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This is a new one for me. My "career" is Movie Star, has been forever even though I have many other careers won in quests, that's my choice. NOW it is not showing up under my career/job lists, yet it still states I am one.
Now here is the crazy part. Another doll I have is April613, and she has only one "Ace of Blackjack" job. But it is showing she has the movie star job. I did not even have that doll yet when that quest was going on.
HOW did April's movie star job get transferred to April613. Crazy! I don't mind if it can't be fixed because this will give April613 another job, and April still has many other jobs. In fact they are listed on my "Who I am" section of my main page.
This is a real head scratcher.:quoi:
I may go check my other doll's jobs.